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Druid vs Warlock

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:34 am
by wiseoldenemy
I've leveled my druid to level 40. Along the way, I've taken my time and PvPed every four levels or so. Thoroughly enjoyed my experience as a druid; wandering in and out of battle, leaving and engaging as I choose, taking the form of a rogue, warrior, mage, or healer at will. I've come accross all classes, and have studied how each match up is played. One such match up, is as you know by the title, the dreaded warlock. While it seems as though every classes bane is warlock, druid looks to have the least amount of abilties that help against them! I haven't yet figured out an efficient way to beat one.

I will start off this scenario with a voidwalker pet, as this is the most common around my levels. I open up with ravage, using up the last second of tiger's fury, and instantly shred. I then leave my form, remove curse and cast rejuvination. I then go into bear form and wait until he starts casting, if he doesn't I walk up to him and start attacking. At this point they will have low HP and sacrifice their voidwalker. Now I look for fear again and try to stun it, but even if I get it last second they will survive as I do not have enough DPS to take down their shield. Then they cast fear, which I cannot stop unless I have my trinket. Even if I do they will cast it again right after. I too, will now be low HP. Then, I either win or lose depending if fear breaks early or not at all.

This is all if everything goes as planned. Sometimes it doesn't and I get feared too early when they don't even lose that much HP. This whole thing worries me, because I know from experience on my level 60 Shaman that warlocks only get stronger. Death coil, huge burst with shadowbolt and shadowburn, Felhunter, and more.

How does the druid vs warlock matchup fair at level 60, and what can I do to counter it? I am going to get 300 engineering so reflector trinkets should help.

Thank you for any input.

Re: Druid vs Warlock

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:56 am
by Finalflash
It will get alot harder at 60 :P ... <-- me vs r13 lock

Get a shadow resistance set, i had 134 shadow res in that fight. You need blacksmithing for this one. vs destro locks (shifting to forms works too). If you get in a seduce you're basically fucked, they can do 5k soulfires now and before it hits they can follow-up with an immolate + conflagrate.
And reflectors as you mentioned.

I recommend a resto build, if you want to go feral vs a good lock you're gonna need and every gimmick item in the game and even then it probably won't work.

Re: Druid vs Warlock

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:28 pm
by wiseoldenemy
Hey, I am a big fan of your videos, they are what actually made me roll a druid. Thanks for the reply... but that's pretty lame as I don't like to rely on too much items. Is there any class in vanilla that can counter a warlock? Maybe I will just avoid them, at least I have stealth.

Another question since you are here, what gear did you have when you made those videos with the 1.9k ravage crits? I plan on getting full rank 10 gear, and unstoppable force or something with 2% crit, and pvp rings/necklace/cape. I really don't want to spend time gearing.

Re: Druid vs Warlock

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:15 pm
by Finalflash
wiseoldenemy wrote:what gear did you have when you made those videos with the 1.9k ravage crits? I plan on getting full rank 10 gear, and unstoppable force or something with 2% crit, and pvp rings/necklace/cape. I really don't want to spend time gearing.

My gear wasn't that good, I had rank 10 gear + AV epics, the rest of my items was kinda scrubby. I still had 2-3 resto items for example. and the +9 wep enchant helped alot.