Pros/Cons of each race for Shaman?

Pros/Cons of each race for Shaman?

by buttliquor » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:51 pm

I tend to see a lot of tauren shamans and very few troll shamans.

The stomp ability and high HP of tauren seem to make it appealing, but I have also seen some orcs/trolls

I would like to hear everyone explain why they chose their respective race for shaman, and how it's working out. I am completely new to playing horde, much less shaman, so any information would be helpful

Re: Pros/Cons of each race for Shaman?

by Terranaut » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:49 pm

I picked Taurens because I like them and /moo-ing as another race feels weird.
I'm currently level 50 and very satisfied with my choice.

I suppose an Orc would be fine as you get +5 to your weapon skill when using an axe which will result in a lot less misses, parries and dodges.

Re: Pros/Cons of each race for Shaman?

by FrustratedMoth » Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:21 pm

Pros: Big and intimidating, war stomp is useful in niche situations.
Cons: Can't be protection spec.

Pros: Dreadlocks on males, owns tusks, cool casting animations.
Cons: Near-useless racials, people will invite you to guilds with drug reference names.

Pros: Best ganking race for shaman, females have some of the best casting animations.
Cons: Males look like a 5-year-old's macaroni noodle scuplture.

Pros: Coolest looking Horde race alongside Troll, WotF is absolutely wonderful.
Cons: Can't be shamans.
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Re: Pros/Cons of each race for Shaman?

by Throe » Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:29 pm

Troll racial is broken otherwise they would easily be one of the top picks for Shaman. Right now I would go orc, they look cool, have cool animations and the 25% stun resist is hilarious. Tauren are also solid, warstomp is a life saver.
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Re: Pros/Cons of each race for Shaman?

by sgtnanners » Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:47 am

If you wanna pve trybard, troll obvious choice. If you wanna pvp orc or tauren. Tauren warstomp good for niche heal but orc racial is very overpowered.
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