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Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:49 am
by Thatoneguy
Thanks for sharing this guide.

What do you think about going for Elemental Devastation while dropping points in Imp LS?

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 3:38 am
by Nothhelm
What do you think about going for Elemental Devastation while dropping points in Imp LS?

You mean take points from imp LS and put them in Elemental Devastation? It's basically not possible. You'd lack the talent points in Enhancement to get Weapon Mastery and Stormstrike.

Even if possible, I wouldn't do it. Elemental Devastation is one giant what-if. "What if I get a spell crit? And what if I'm in melee range before the buff wears off? And what if the +9% actually results in a melee crit?" Screw that. I'd rather have a little extra damage I know will always be there. And if you have some spellpower, and the ZG class trinket that boosts LS damage by 100%, it can actually end up being pretty significant for a lot of fights.

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:55 am
by Thatoneguy
You're right, I didn't calculate the points correctly and asked an impossible question. While I'm normally not convinced that you should put points into Imp LS if you're mostly doing BG's, as a duel spec it might be one of the best talents since it directly increases the amount of damaged caused to your enemies. I'm gunning for the ZG trinket when it gets released here. Hope I get it :D

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:53 am
by Killstick
Well i feel like we do agree on most. Alot of it comes down to if you are going for the pure 1v1 build or a BG build. I still feel like you are dropping too much good from resto (totem range, heal interupt, hit talent, reincarnation BG cheese) just for the 1 sec shock reduction.

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:06 pm
by Thatoneguy
Killstick wrote:Well i feel like we do agree on most. Alot of it comes down to if you are going for the pure 1v1 build or a BG build. I still feel like you are dropping too much good from resto (totem range, heal interupt, hit talent, reincarnation BG cheese) just for the 1 sec shock reduction.

It´s not just the 1 sec shock reduction.

- 5% more dmg from shocks
- Clearcasting (Nice mana safer)
- Earthbind range
- Eye of the storm. Which has the ability to outperform Healing Focus.

For a BG spec I wouldn't take Enhancement. An Elemental/Resto spec brings more to the table when it comes to group fights.

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:36 pm
by Nothhelm
Killstick wrote:Well i feel like we do agree on most. Alot of it comes down to if you are going for the pure 1v1 build or a BG build. I still feel like you are dropping too much good from resto (totem range, heal interupt, hit talent, reincarnation BG cheese) just for the 1 sec shock reduction.

I'm not too crazy about those forsaken resto talents.

The talent that increases buff-totem range to 30 yards isn't as good as it seems. Tremor totem, the totem that would benefit most by a boost, already has a 30 yard range by default, so the main PvP application is the boost to grounding totem and poison cleanse totem. I actually make use of grounding totem's 20 yard range as one of my tricks, I've learned to fight outside the border of its range and to return within its range when my enemy begins to cast a spell I choose to avoid (this trick becomes more difficult and awkward the longer the range). Also, increasing the range of poison cleanse to 30 yards isn't all that great because that totem's main application is anti-rogue, but the range of a rogue's ranged weapon is 30 yards as well, so they can always just crowd control you then shoot it before blinding you. I'm not going to pretend I wouldn't prefer 30 feet range on those totems, but when fighting skilled players it's hardly worth thinking about.

Healing Focus is cool, but Eye of the Storm is roughly as good. EotS might be based on physical crit, but on the plus side it's 100% anti-interrupt not 70%, and it gives you anti-interrupt for when you're casting offensive spells too. I think it balances out. And as I mention in my tricks video, you can force a proc by pressing the sit button. So like, if a hunter pet is gnawing on you, press sit, you get crit, then you get the anti-interrupt buff on command.

The hit talent is great, but once you get a hold of some good +hit gear, it's worth giving up. I'd try hard to get a hold of Nefarian's +2 melee hit boots, and Chromaggus's +2 spell hit belt.

I'd love the imp self resurrection, but at the end of the day, it's still a 40 minute cooldown.

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:30 am
by Killstick
Considering the grounding totem trick i can understand skipping the totem talent so its easier to target what spell you will negate.

As for the EoTs, the hunter pet was indeed the only situation I thought it was gonna be of use. Its not like i want to give a warrior or something a free crit on me. But as enhance you will mostly be casting healing spells while being hit. I can't see myself casting LB or CL while a melee is on me. So the limitation on the resto talent isn't really that big a deal for me.

The reincarnation talent still leaves it at a 40 min CD but atleast you get rezed with a significant amount of mana/HP. Instead of rezzing and dying to execute in 1 sec. It's a BG talent so you could use your ankh ones per BG and atleast make it count. If i would still be going with some resto talents and dropping the totem talent i'd 100% put it in this.

I could agree on getting the hit belt from chrom vs the spelldmgbelt from chrom just to get less shock/purge resists. Stil don't know if i would drop the hit talent for it. I would need to look into how much spellhit you need to have 100% chance of hitting spells vs 0 NR targets. Would be tempting to go to 100%.

Also for obtaining the items; i think you could get the caster belt. As it breaks sets and i don't think caster aim for hit all that much. But I still think the boots will go to rogues who don't have full set BF. I also could see fury warrior picking these up over Chromatic as it has all the stats they need on a high ilvl item (basicly dropping 1 crit for 1 hit).

Also nice that we can have a nice conversation about the shaman class without throwing mud XD Seems like we got atleast some shamans who know more about the class than solely the resto/raid aspect (which i know little about as i only went upto nef in vanilla).

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:13 am
by Aslan
Bump with the hope that more leather wearing 3k hp/3k mana 2hand swingers visit this.

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:34 am
by Killstick
Taken from: ... p=1#post37 Base hit % vs same lvl target is 96% so 4% hit is needed. Resto talent puts you close to the cap is server is scripted the same.

Re: The Bloodskull School of Enhancement

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 1:59 pm
by DanielGames
I see Concussion taken over Convection in every pvp enh build I see. With enh mana being as low as it is, wouldn't you want that extra mana you might have for an emergency heal or something? Like I get in a short fight concussion is probably better for that extra ounce of pressure but what about battlegrounds and big team fights?


One last question. Why not 5/5 Flurry and 2/3 imp. LS?