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Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:13 am
by Thatoneguy
I'm leveling up with 2 other classes, a Priest (holy) and a Warlock (affliction). We're around the level 35 range. Finding tanks can be quite time consuming. I thought that it cool to have my Shaman tank.

I was thinking about using this spec:

Eventually leveling into either


The rotation is likely:
- Earth Shock and Auto Attack.
- CL for pulls
- Rockbiter + Lightning Shield buffs active at all times.
- Stength of Earth, Mana Spring and Grounding totem active.

I'm wondering about:
- How much of a must Anticipation. Is this a must talent as Enhancement tank?
- I'm seeing elemental Shamans tank. Might this be a better spec alltogether?
- I heard that healing is good for AoE threat generation. Are there certain talents that are required to make this work?
- What is a standard optimal rotation?
- Is Storm Strike worth it? It's quite taxing on mana.
- Stoneskin totem seems to be minimal gain. If the party isn't having trouble healing then Stength of Earth might be better, is my line of thinking correct?

I'm going to try Shaman tanking regardless of naysayers, even if it's a waste of time/gold. Any comments towards making a viable Shaman tanking spec for the 1-59 content are appreciated. Even if Shamans are not the most optimal tanks.

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:57 am
by Oyani
Yep, gearing up for it myself actually. Just started so not gonna be able to try it for a while still... Will be interesting though.

EDIT: There is another thread about this already where i've posted some suggestions / hints on the subject.

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:59 am
by Amelissan
You should've go with imp. lighting shield instead of %2 mana imho

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 12:14 pm
by Thatoneguy
Amelissan wrote:You should've go with imp. lighting shield instead of %2 mana imho

I'm hesitant to put points into Imp. LS. LS costs a lot of mana for a relatively low amouns of damage compared to other spells. LS has 3 charges. Fights vs elites can take a while and tanking multiple mobs at the same time would mean that LS has to be reapplied constantly. Combing this with the fact that Shamans already have mana problems I'm considering only using LS during fights if I have acces mana.

If it's possible to cut the mana consumption while still doing the job of a tank I will take that route. as not going oom during a fight is pretty important.

LS does give additional threat and a form of AoE tanking (if you have aggro). If I have trouble holding threat I can consider going Imp.LS. But if everything goes fine anyway I don't think it's a good talent.

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:12 pm
by Oyani
Honestly, i would go with neither of those... but would go with imp LS if you get some spare points at cap. Because +5% mana is like 300 mana at 60 which is not really worth 5 points.

Lightning shield can be good if you tank and have some spare mana but it's not viable for holding AoE aggro... mainly because after it procs it has like a 3 second cd before it can proc again but also because it only has 3 charges.

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:32 pm
by Thatoneguy
It's why I was contemplating how good Anticipation is :P If you have an alternate spec that you prefer you can post it. I'm interesting in seeing different possibilites.

I started tanking SM @ lvl 37. I've tanked library & arms. We did Library with 3 people: 37 Shaman tank, 35 Priest & 35 Warlock. We found out that while it's duable, it's kinda slow. We took 2 more DPS with us into armory and it was a blast & fast.

Shaman tanking might not be the best but it's hella fun. I took 2 points into anticipation talent over Ancesteral Knowledge. The rest of the build is the same.

17-10-2015 edit: After tanking all day long fun stuff has happened. Very good players who joined instantly left, mediocre and crappy players stayed and let me tank. I've not wiped a single time and tanked SM and RFD about 12 times now. I'm going to ride this Shaman as a tank until I can't go on any longer, but that's likely before raids as I'm confidant that I can tank any 5 man dungeon.

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:51 pm
by Mustard
On another unpopulated private sever, the guild there had a shaman tank OT in BWL.. and it worked. Fun times watching that stream, lol

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:27 am
by Skrofler
I'd try this.
Actually I have tried it, a few times.

I'm very curious why you would pick Concussion (+5% shock threat and intial LB) before Reverberation (+17% shock threat)?

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 6:57 am
by Thatoneguy
Skrofler wrote:I'd try this.
Actually I have tried it, a few times.

I'm very curious why you would pick Concussion (+5% shock threat and intial LB) before Reverberation (+17% shock threat)?

Reverberation reduces the cooldown of ALL my shocks, what!!? :o I thought it was Frostshock only :P

I'm going to pick up Reverberation now, don't worry about that.

Re: Tanking as a Shaman

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:22 am
by Oyani
Skrofler wrote:I'd try this.
Actually I have tried it, a few times.

I'm very curious why you would pick Concussion (+5% shock threat and intial LB) before Reverberation (+17% shock threat)?

Because pick both... i'm curious why you would pick 10% less mana cost for lightning spells. You won't be casting lightning while tanking. You may open with a chain lightning but that's it, not really worth spending 5 points on as a tank.