Retribution Stat Weights - Updated for Both Specs

Retribution Stat Weights - Updated for Both Specs

by DrearyYew » Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:27 pm

WARNING: Lots of math ahead.

I will run through the calculations I took to find these weights. Because of the nature of RNG, the weight of crit will always depend on your AP and SP, but I have included the formulas in the most simple manner in the stat weights, which can be seen at the bottom of this post.

Through various forms of testing (mostly duels outside of IF) I have determined the coefficients of the main Paladin damage abilities. This includes the 6% increased damage with 2H weapons, which applies to SoR, SoC, and White Swings. Note that for Seal of Righteousness and Ironfoe White Swings I am taking into consideration the approximate 15% proc chance on Ironfoe, as well as the 2% proc chance on Hand of Justice. Note that Hand of Justice procs cannot trigger extra Seal of Command procs.

Seal of Righteousness (SoR): 17.4% Spell Power (SP) with 1H when talented
Judgement of Righteousness (JoR): 57.5% SP when talented
Consecration: 30% SP and 34% Attack Power (AP)
White Swings: 25.8% for 2.4 speed (Ironfoe), 29.9% for 3.8 speed (The Unstoppable Force)
Seal of Command (SoComm or SoC): 70% of White Swings, 20% SP
Judgement of Command (JoC): 43% SP

In terms of DPS, that equates to

SoR DPS: 6.5% SP with 2.4 speed 1H (Ironfoe)
JoR DPS: 7.2% SP
Consecration DPS: 3.8% SP plus 4.3% AP
White Swing DPS: 9.5% AP for Ironfoe, 7.8% AP for 2H Weapons
SoC DPS: 2.3% AP, 2.3% SP with 3.8 speed 2H at 44.3% proc rate
JoC DPS: 5.4% SP

Side note: I found that SoC is currently bugged with Holy Damage scaling, and is scaling at approximately 125%.

So in total for scaling, we gain the following for DPS:

1H Ironfoe (using SoR): 17.5% SP as DPS, and 13.8% AP as DPS
2H 3.8 Speed (using SoC): 11.5% SP as DPS, and 14.4% AP as DPS

We use SoR for the Ironfoe spec, and SoC for the 3.8 speed 2H spec, since they are the respective optimal seals.

Now, we must factor in Sanctity Aura, which applies to SoR, JoR, Consecration, SoC, and JoC. This is a 10% damage increase to Holy damage.

1H Ironfoe (using SoR): 19.3% SP as DPS, and 14.2% AP as DPS
2H 3.8 Speed (using SoC): 12.7% SP as DPS, and 15.1% AP as DPS

Now, we get into the fun stuff: Melee crit. Luckily, everything that we use as a Retribution Paladin scales from Melee Crit. However, SoR and Consecration cannot crit. Because of Vengeance, they still can benefit from crit. The next few calculations will be very rough, because as we all know, RNG is RNG. The following calculations include both Ironfoe's proc for 1H, and Hand of Justice's proc for both 1H and 2H 3.8 speed.

As 1H Ironfoe spec, we hit 6.03 times (with damage capable of crits) per 8 seconds, which is the duration of the Vengeance proc. So to achieve theoretical 100% uptime, we would need 16.6% melee crit. Therefore, up to 16.6% melee crit, each point of melee crit would equate to a 0.90% damage increase to all Holy and Physical damage for 8 seconds, which is all of our damage.

For the 1H Ironfoe spec, we use 2 1% attack speed enchants to put us over 6 attacks per refresh window. These enchants should be applied to Legs and Gloves. The Leg enchant comes from the Libram of Rapidity, and the Glove enchant comes from Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste.

As 2H 3.8 speed spec, we hit 4.65 times (with damage capable of crits) per 8 seconds, which is the duration of the Vengeance proc. So to achieve theoretical 100% uptime, we would need 21.5% melee crit. Therefor, up to 21.5% melee crit, each point of melee crit would equate to a 0.70% damage increase to all Holy and Physical damage for 8 seconds, which is all of our damage.

Now, we also know that crit effects base damage. Note that these values assume 0 of every stat, which is technically not possible due to base character stats. I am also calculating in the 6% increased damage while wielding a 2H weapon, which applies to SoC and White Swings, as well as the approximate 15% proc rate on Ironfoe, which applies to White Swings as well as SoR. I will also include the 10% bonus holy damage from Sanctity Aura, as well as the 2% proc chance on Hand of Justice, applying to SoR and White Swings.

SoR Base: 39.9 DPS
JoR Base: 23.4 DPS - can crit
White Swing Base: Depends on Weapon, can crit (57.4 DPS for Ironfoe, 67.7 DPS for The Unstoppable Force)
Consecration Base: 8.8 DPS
SoC Base: 70% of White Swing Base (52.1 DPS for The Unstoppable Force) - can crit
JoC Base: 24.5 DPS - can crit

That means each point of melee crit will impact these abilities in the following way, counting for base values as well as SP/AP scaling:

SoR: 0.90% increase
JoR: 1.40% increase
White Swings: 1.40% increase for 1H (Ironfoe), 1.20% increase for 2H 3.8 speed (The Unstoppable Force)
Consecration: 0.90% increase for 1H (Ironfoe), 0.70% increase for 2H 3.8 speed (The Unstoppable Force)
SoC: 1.20% increase
JoC: 1.20% increase

So for just base values, we get the following dps increases per point of melee crit:

SoR: 0.3591 DPS
JoR: 0.3276 DPS
White Swings: 0.8036 DPS for Ironfoe, 0.8124 DPS for The Unstoppable Force
Note that this can be calulated using these formulas:
1H: 0.0140 x Weapon Damage
2H: 0.0120 x Weapon Damage (remember to include the 6% damage increase from talents!)
Consecration: 0.0792 DPS for 1H, 0.0616 for 2H 3.8 speed
SoC: 0.6252 DPS
JoC: 0.2940 DPS

So from that, we get the following DPS increases from base values from each point of melee crit for the 2 specs:

1H Ironfoe Spec: 1.5695 DPS per 1% melee crit
2H The Unstoppable Force Spec: 1.7932 DPS per 1% melee crit

However, this is only for the base values. The same crit multipliers effect our scaling. The following are the appropriate scaling dps increases per point of melee crit.

SoR: 0.0644% SP increase
JoR: 0.1008% SP increase
White Swings (Ironfoe): 0.1330% AP increase
White Swings (3.8 speed 2H): 0.0936% AP increase
Consecrate (Ironfoe): 0.2700% SP increase, 0.3060% AP increase
Consecrate (3.8 speed 2H): 0.2100% SP increase, 0.2380% AP increase
SoC: 0.0276% SP increase, 0.0276% AP increase
JoC: 0.0648% SP increase

Therefore, we gain the following total increases to scaling per 1% melee crit:

1H Ironfoe Spec: 0.0375% SP increase, 0.0371% AP increase
2H 3.8 Speed Spec: 0.0302% SP increase, 0.0359% AP increase

When we count in the base damage values, we gain the following DPS per point of melee crit:

1H Ironfoe Spec: 1.5659 + 0.0375% SP + 0.0371% AP DPS
2H 3.8 Speed Spec: 1.7932 + 0.0302% SP + 0.0359% AP DPS

Because of the nature of critical hits and Vengeance, there will never be an end-all-be-all DPS value that can be assigned to each point of melee crit. However, we have a strong basis with a formula that can be used by anyone.


Now we can look at our full stat weights. These are all given the 10% Blessing of Kings buff, as well as the 10% increased strength talent, Divine Strength.

5% Hit > Anything Else
1 STR = 2.42 AP
17.27 AGI = 1% Melee Crit

1H Ironfoe Spec

1% Melee Crit = 1.5695 + 0.0375% SP + 0.0371% AP DPS
1 AGI = 0.0909 + 0.0022% SP + 0.0022% AP DPS
1 SP = 0.193 DPS
1 AP = 0.142 DPS
1 STR = 0.345 DPS

1 STR = 1.788 SP
1 SP = 1.359 AP

2H 3.8 Speed Spec

1% Melee Crit = 1.7932 + 0.0302% SP + 0.0359% AP DPS
1 AGI = 0.1038 + 0.0018% SP + 0.0021% AP DPS
1 SP = 0.115 DPS
1 AP = 0.151 DPS
1 STR = 0.365 DPS

1 STR = 3.174 SP
1 AP = 1.313 SP
Last edited by DrearyYew on Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:37 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: Retribution Stat Weights

by JCarrill0 » Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:02 pm

Theloras had a proc rate that I followed on another server. while 3.8 was ideal, I ended up using 3.6 most of the time.
[ 7 / (60 / 3.2) ] = 37.3% proc chance
[ 7 / (60 / 3.3) ] = 38.5% proc chance
[ 7 / (60 / 3.4) ] = 39.6% proc chance
[ 7 / (60 / 3.5) ] = 40.8% proc chance
[ 7 / (60 / 3.6) ] = 41.9% proc chance
[ 7 / (60 / 3.7) ] = 43.1% proc chance
[ 7 / (60 / 3.8) ] = 44.3% proc chance
JCarrillo - Highlord of <Heroes of Terenas>
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Re: Retribution Stat Weights

by justclassic » Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:25 pm

DrearyYew wrote:1 STR = 2.4 AP
20 AGI = 1% Melee Crit

Percentage based buffs to stats should be calculated multiplicative. So 1*2*1.1*1.1 = 2.42 AP per STR

Also if you calculate with BoK on STR you might want to do that on AGI as well resulting in 20 AGI = 1.10% Meele Crit.

DrearyYew wrote:Seal of Command Proc: 18.998% AP, 20% SP
Judgement of Command: 43% SP
Consecration: 33% SP total, 4.125% SP per tick
Weapon Damage: 27.12% AP

I dont know from which source you got these and neither do I know which values were correct in patch 1.4 but these are definitely not the ones used on NOST. For example Consec scales with AP with aprox~20-25 AP to increase each tick by 1.

DrearyYew wrote:I can post the math that I did to come up with this, but it's very extensive and extremely hard to follow because Vengeance really fucks up a ton of the math. If there is interest, I will screenshot my notes and post them.

Id really love to see that.

Also you didn't mention hit.

Also Id would be great to make the statweights less complicated and easier to understand/use. For example would be great to have some basic rules like

X Strenght = Y AGI = Z% Crit (calculated for starting gear values, like a fresh 60)

So gearing questions might be a little easiert to answer for less experienced players looking for advice.
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Re: Retribution Stat Weights - Updated for Both Specs

by DrearyYew » Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:33 pm

Bump - massive update complete with all math. Apologies for text wall.
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: Retribution Stat Weights - Updated for Both Specs

by GTrax » Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:24 pm

I want to point out that in Nostalrius at the moment HoJ proc DOES infact proc Seal of Command, Also oddly enough Judge Command procs HoJ, this is a bug most probably as Judgement is supposed to be spell and not physical dmg skill. I can see this combo being very OP if Ironfoe proc also can trigger SoC, but I dont have Ironfoe yet so I can't test that out.

I've had many occasions where HoJ procs SoC for a devastating blow of 2normals and 2SoCs in one swing. It's just crazy.

Also Consecration scales with AP on this server so its a lot more than 8,8dps for rank1. As far as I know 100AP=7Consecration DPS. If you want you coult take that into account with calculations for AP/SP coeficients etc.
Uta Shadowbreaker is my name. Break them shadows them Spriests and Locks.
Uta- 21/0/30 Paladin. #ForeverRet

Re: Retribution Stat Weights - Updated for Both Specs

by Theloras » Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:55 pm

GTrax wrote:I want to point out that in Nostalrius at the moment HoJ proc DOES infact proc Seal of Command, Also oddly enough Judge Command procs HoJ, this is a bug most probably as Judgement is supposed to be spell and not physical dmg skill. I can see this combo being very OP if Ironfoe proc also can trigger SoC, but I dont have Ironfoe yet so I can't test that out.

I've had many occasions where HoJ procs SoC for a devastating blow of 2normals and 2SoCs in one swing. It's just crazy.

Also Consecration scales with AP on this server so its a lot more than 8,8dps for rank1. As far as I know 100AP=7Consecration DPS. If you want you coult take that into account with calculations for AP/SP coeficients etc.

Seal of Command and Judgement of Command are exceptions to the rule when it comes to Hand of Justice and should in fact cause it to proc - similar to Windfury for Shaman as well - as far as Judgement of Command being a spell, think of it as the Red Headed Bastard Stepchild of WoW as yes it functions as a spell, but is coded in a similar fashion to a Hunter's Arcane Shot where it has 200% crit bonus and cannot be dodged, blocked or parried but can be resisted.

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