Thinking of rolling pally

Thinking of rolling pally

by FiveSidez » Wed Dec 16, 2015 6:42 pm

Greetings everyone! I've just started out on this amazing realm, and I'm considering the paladin to be my class due to how fun the gameplay seems ( for me at least fun > anything else ).

Now, the question remains: Once I hit 60, is there any combination spec like holy-ret or something like that for me to use in order to do a bit of dps (i'm not asking to be n1 100% of the time, as long as it's high enough that i'm not a wasted raid spot i'm happy) since i really want to play ret, but that will also allow me to throw the ocasional heal ( pally = hybrid, hybrid = constantly on the look for things they can do, and doing them -> dispell, heal, bubbles, etc, i fully understand that, it's why i consider the class to be so much fun, sure the ocasional flash / holy light / loh is actually fun to do, but i just don't like sitting in the back throwing green numbers around for 20 minutes at a time, and trying to tank as a noob is the easiest way to get bad rep on the server, especially with a class that requires immense skill to tank (duki i'm looking at you when i'm saying skill :D) , so the only thing left to do in the mean time is dps -> ret combined with holy )

I'm a total noob when it comes to vanilla, so I don't even know what dps is considered "decent". That's right, I'm not talking about rets being OMGHERPADERPATOPDEEPS, all I want is to be "decent", and I'm willing to work for that. Sure, mages do 9999 times more damage by spamming frostbolt and jumping around at high threat, but that's extremely boring ( imo, of course everyone plays what they like, I'm sure most mage players love the class and it's gameplay, meant no disrespect ). + You get to be the crusader :D

All in all, should I try to walk the path of the ret ( perhaps a ret-holy mix with precision in prot , free hit% is no brainer, buffing when needed, judging w/e is needed, healing here and there if needed, and dpsing when not ), or am i doomed to having to gatorade the tank with heals for the rest of my life as a pocket healer hp battery? I understand that holy paladins are amazing healers and all that, and when later content gets released very mana efficient, but i'd much rather prefer playing support-dps than heal-heal :/.

I've tried to format the text, but to no avail.... the indentation I'm imputting gets removed on the preview, so I guess that's that ( this is my 1st post on the forum, I'm generally the guy that asks around in trade chat rather than the forums :D ). Also sorry for the wall of text xD.

Safe travels and may the light be with you paladins! -thanks in advance to everyone who answers-

Re: Thinking of rolling pally

by DrearyYew » Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:20 pm

Ret DPS is lower than most, and there is no way around it. Because people are far too elitist on this server, you're going to have a hard time finding a raid guild that will take a Ret. They are around, but few and far between, and usually will only take 1.

Holy Paladins are in high demand since 95% of them are total garbage on this server (I have no idea why, all we have to do is FoL for Christ's sake). Ret is absolutely viable and extremely strong in group PvP, but so is Holy. If you really want to play Ret, I would PvE Holy and PvP Ret.

As far as PvE Ret numbers, expect to be 65-75% of the damage of the top DPS on single target fights. On Cleave/AoE fights, Ret is top dog.
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: Thinking of rolling pally

by smilkovpetko » Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:51 pm

Greetings fivesidez

The spec you are looking is completely doable , holy with ret is kinda more accepted by the population around than pure ret or prot since you are actually more "useful" as healer , but also can dps for farming , solo stuffs and pvp .

If you want sort of hybrid "clearly hybrid" specs visit the following topic : ... 03#p178177

or this : ... 30#p180861
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Re: Thinking of rolling pally

by FiveSidez » Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:13 am

I tinkered around and came up with this spec:

I've got the improved blessings, the +healing talent, judgement buffs, etc.

I tried to get a mix between damage ( SoC + conviction ), support abilities ( improved blessings, judges, bok , improved bop and bof ), and healing (+healing, -pushback).

Would people accept me in a raid if i used this spec? Could i also use it for pvp? Thanks.

Re: Thinking of rolling pally

by smilkovpetko » Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:20 am

FiveSidez wrote:I tinkered around and came up with this spec:

I've got the improved blessings, the +healing talent, judgement buffs, etc.

I tried to get a mix between damage ( SoC + conviction ), support abilities ( improved blessings, judges, bok , improved bop and bof ), and healing (+healing, -pushback).

Would people accept me in a raid if i used this spec? Could i also use it for pvp? Thanks.

Switch judgement and blessing of wisd for Illumination

switch retri aura for spiritual focus .

High end Guilds and elitist raiders will not accept your spec, meanwhile some pugs or casuals can accept you in raid as healing role with that spec.

For 5 mans it's whatever you can do both .
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Re: Thinking of rolling pally

by apocalypsa » Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:56 pm

Wall of text time:

In vanilla people can't inspect your talents, so the only way they'll find out is by PallyPower telling them you lack specific buffs. However, assuming you can talk you way out of that, I'd go with this spec. Your healing is very close to that of a holy paladin, your dps is very close to that of a ret paladin (only missing 3% hit), and it's also fine for pvp. The only issue is the missing kings and imp BoW. If you find yourself healing more often than pvping, take a point out of Repentance in favour of... Divine Favour.

Going into prot really isn't worth it as Vengeance is mandatory for dps, and Illumination is extremely good for healing. As far as ret dps is concerned: If you perform your absolute best you'll do 80% of the dps of a rogue/warrior that's just going through the motions. This is offset by extremely good aoe and a high amount of raid utility.

However; playing ret is a bit like being a minority in real life. If you can put up with people flat out refusing you for raid or passing you over in rolls (I lost zinrokh to a tank because "all paladins are holy mainspec anyway"), you'll be able to pug. Finding a guild is harder, but, on the other hand, once you've found one you'll probably not have any problems.

For me the way to convince people of ret's worth is to make them stop considering ret as a holy pally that instead does shitty dps; and instead consider ret as a warrior that does worse dps but brings a whole plethora of buffs, which will always be useful unless your raid runs a shitload of holydins.

Lastly; no spec will allow you to heal and dps in the same fight. Sure, you'll be able to heal yourself once or twice, but "offhealing" doesn't really work. However, what is possible, is easily switching roles between fights. Some bossfights really don't favour melee at all, and while rogues/warriors spend their time shooting their ranged weapons at Shazzrah, you can just put on a dress and heal.

Re: Thinking of rolling pally

by DrearyYew » Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:34 pm

This is probably the best Hybrid PvP/PvE Spec, you can swap Divine Intellect for Spiritual Focus if you're a bit more PvP focused

There are so many Ret PvP specs it's actually crazy. There's this spec with an emphasis on off-healing, there's the Reckoning Ret, and, my personal favorite, the Shock Ret. Again, the PvE spec is fine for PvP.

No matter what spec you are, make sure you have Engineering. Judgement of Command gets the double damage bonus from targets incapacitated from grenades, and there are so many useful tools from Engineering that you will need.
Dreary - Human "Needs No Mana" Holy Paladin
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Re: Thinking of rolling pally

by Theloras » Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:25 pm

apocalypsa wrote:
Lastly; no spec will allow you to heal and dps in the same fight. Sure, you'll be able to heal yourself once or twice, but "offhealing" doesn't really work.

There is actually one - get 8/8 T1 Lawbringer + Hand of Justice Trinket, get put in the MT group Judge Light and use Seal of the Crusader with Hand of Edward the Odd.

At 1.6 base swing speed going down to only 1.11 with SotC (and 3% haste enchants), the mace will proc a lot allowing you to throw instant Holy Lights on whoever needs them. Plus with that swing speed as well, the 8/8 T1 set bonus group heal will help top up the MT and provide steady heals to the warlock feeding him his imp stamina buff.

Back on Peenix, this set bonus was bugged like mad (procd on every swing) and used and "cough abused cough" by every alliance guild on Loatheb in particular due to that boss encounter allowing healers the ability to heal only once per minute. By having a Paladin with 8/8 T1 in as many groups as possible, it made the boss encounter cheesy at best.

Re: Thinking of rolling pally

by JCarrill0 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:08 am

FiveSidez wrote:Greetings everyone!

Greetings FiveSidez,

I think the ideas and concerns you expressed are well written, while you have been given some advice on this and that works, if you send me a PM I can contact you more on personal advice I am willing to give.

Take care in the mean time and enjoy being a Paladin in Nostalrius Begins.
- JC
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