Need help with Macros.

Need help with Macros.

by DonDeLaVega » Tue May 19, 2015 11:43 am


i dont remember how to do macros the Vanilla way.

i want the following:

- on right left click use item X. on right click conjure X.

- cast spell X on mouseover.

- remove buff X then use item X.

- dismount then cast spell X.

- stop casting then cast spell X.

and what is the command for #showtooltip ??

thanks a lot for the help <3

edit: also, i remember the addon "decursive" used to be completely automatic in vanilla.
but this version you do have to target your allies to remove a curse. why is that?

Re: Need help with Macros.

by gnopain » Tue May 19, 2015 4:14 pm

From my own testing, some of the macro functions do not work (#showtooltip) and when trying to use it, it will just say it. Also the macro with mouse over i think needs addon support.

- on right left click use item X. on right click conjure X.
dont know if can be done with clicks but can be done with shift or other key modifier
/cast [mod:shift] (conjure) else
/use (item)

- cast spell X on mouseover.
/cast [@mouseover] (spell)

- remove buff X then use item X.
/cancelaura (buff)
/use (item name)

- dismount then cast spell X.
/cast (spell here)

- stop casting then cast spell X.
/cast (spell here)

These are just quick ones and have not been tested. but I know i was not able to make some of my usual macros with what seems to be limited implementation
Gnopain Gnogain

Re: Need help with Macros.

by gnopain » Tue May 19, 2015 5:20 pm

Not sure if these will work as I have seen some issues with macros

-on right left click use item X. on right click conjure X. (not sure on how to click but can use with keyboard)
/cast [Modifier:Shift] (spell) else
/use (item)

- cast spell X on mouseover.
/cast [@mouseover] (spell)

- remove buff X then use item X.
/cancelaura (buff)
/use (item)

- dismount then cast spell X.
/cast (spell)

- stop casting then cast spell X.
/cast (spell)
Gnopain Gnogain

Re: Need help with Macros.

by Mimma » Tue May 19, 2015 5:34 pm

Modifiers was introduced in TBC, they will not work in Vanilla.

edit: also, i remember the addon "decursive" used to be completely automatic in vanilla.
but this version you do have to target your allies to remove a curse. why is that?

The version of decursive I use lists the players needing decursing - you just spam click the list of players until list is empty. That's how automated it gets, since the LUA code is not allowed to cast spells itself.

You can find a link to Decursive 1.9.7 here:
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Re: Need help with Macros.

by DonDeLaVega » Wed May 20, 2015 2:06 pm

gnopain wrote:- cast spell X on mouseover.
/cast [@mouseover] (spell)

unfortunatelly, this doesnt work.
and it is a bit important for me, damn it.

Re: Need help with Macros.

by Hughman25 » Wed Dec 30, 2015 2:12 am

I'm no expert on Vanilla Macros, but I can give you a few examples and good tips that will help :D
(I found this looking for a dismount macro heh)

firstly, there is no /cast, it is strictly, /script & /run (which works in more ways but doesn't give a command to cast)
for #showtooltip, you'd replace with /setspelltooltip Vanish

So, when using or switching items, you have to instead of specifying the item, you specify where it is located in your bags & inventory: /run UseContainerItem(1, 5, 5) for an item in your bag, or /run UseInventoryItem(14)

For mouse over macros, you do require an addon, personally I use Classic Mouseover ( ... seover-cm/), I use it in conjuntion w/ grid, however, it does work mousing over toons. I have a decently complex macro that I use on my Hpal to heal using modifers (yep) switching between spell ranks and spells.

/script if IsAltKeyDown() then CM:Cast("Blessing of Protection"); else if IsControlKeyDown() then CM:Cast("Lay on Hands"); else if IsShiftKeyDown() then CM:Cast("Blessing of Freedom");else CM:Cast("Purify");end;end;end

Basically if and then programming statements, you can replace "CM:Cast" with CastSpellByName("Flash of Light").. the CM:Cast is just a shorted version to use the /cmcast <spellnamehere> which would work just fine for your situation. Hope this helped :)

Helpful sources:
Check it out, even shows you how the equipping or using items work w/ diagrams

Re: Need help with Macros.

by sumail » Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:36 am

I think for decursive you can make a macro that just has /decrusive in it and then bind that to a key and just spam that key and it auto decurses people based on your decursive list (decurses people at the top of the list first if they are in range then moves down the list).

Re: Need help with Macros.

by CodyMueller » Wed Dec 30, 2015 2:21 pm

@DonDeLaVega You want the Addons; Luna UnitFrames, LazyPig, and Arcanum. They have everything you're looking that you listed.
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Re: Need help with Macros.

by Dreez » Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:58 am

necroed thread with quite a lot of false information
Dreez - PvP server
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