Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by Imnodoctor » Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:22 pm

The fact this thread has 2 pages is proof of how dead it is.

EDIT: Correction, 3. YOU'RE WELCOME.

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by twinkerxx » Fri Feb 12, 2016 1:25 am

Ally side is completely dead. All 5 of the main alliance twinks just moved up a bracket, there are still a few wandering around though. Just isn't worth the honor or rep to be 49 when you could move up to AV. You don't get nearly enough because you are steamrolled by horde, absolutely steamrolled. Most twinks are already revered/exalted with AB/WSG and won't accept that you have to sit in a 1 base to 4 base AB for all of AB weekens and getting 0-3 'd in WSG weekends by insane amount of horde twinks. There are just too many horde twinks they are literally everywhere. Shamans being absolutely absurd at 49 doesn't help either.

If you're alliance, stay away from this bracket. Its death and frustration.

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by Bebban » Sat Feb 13, 2016 1:08 am

Well Alliance side is alot worse now than before, but I'm sure there are people out there that wants to twink for a challange instead of getting free wins all the time? I'm atleast that kinda person, I dislike freewins and I dislike getting roflstomped. In other words I want a game to be close but win them ofc :)

Anyways full twinking isn't the same as getting gear at max lvl just to farm some honor/rep. You make a char and try to make him BiS(your own BiS list) which means you stay in that bracket.

Alliance do need more twinks, but personally I just think it's mostly about the mentality of the players. Like the 2 last AB weekends alliance has been struggeling and that pissed me off that people settled with keeping 2 bases instead of aiming for a win. When I got online I tried to get the alliance people to listen and work together which worked after 1-2 ABs and we started winning all(in general).

I ain't trying to sit on a high horse, I'm just a simple hunter twink that tries to win my games and if we lack leadership I will take that role.

Anyways, I know a few ally twinks in the making and I hope that more will come!
Bebban: 60 Priest
Hahabajs: 29 Rogue
Köttrosen: 39 Retardin
Bebbzor: 49 Hunter

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by stimz » Sat Feb 13, 2016 4:25 am

twinkerxx wrote:Just isn't worth the honor or rep to be 49 when you could move up to AV.

that quote sums up why twink pvp is so shit on this server. jk PvP at 60 too, PVP IN GENERAL. WTB time machine to play with and against people who PvP to PvP.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by Elizondo » Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:17 pm

stimz wrote:
twinkerxx wrote:Just isn't worth the honor or rep to be 49 when you could move up to AV.

that quote sums up why twink pvp is so shit on this server. jk PvP at 60 too, PVP IN GENERAL. WTB time machine to play with and against people who PvP to PvP.

< ZOMBIE > - all we do is PVP in all brackets. my highest leveled char is lvl 49. up until now i was thinking about getting rank 9 before leveling to 60, but the Ally has turned into utter shit so its just plain boring in 49 right now (AV Weekend). I hope for it to be different in the next two weekends (WSG, AB) - because it WAS different on those weekends. Close games and a lot of wins for Horde (when i queue up with atleast ~40% guildmates, we win 95%) - perfect PVP environment for me.

For Alliance? not so much. I suggest you listen to Bebban because he is 100% right in my opinion. Ally HAS the potential, but: we are currently not even going for the Flag anymore n WSG and ally still just zergs in the middle. they're not even trying. and that is a mental problem.

There is one ally "premade" playing late nights now to dodge us, toboggan and his gang. very talented, good tactics, hard games for us. but the best games, because thats what PVP is about: close, even games, not ROFLSTOMPS.

P.S.: Currently ingame, Alliance not going for the flag even when we just hide.
Last edited by Elizondo on Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by Dharoc » Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:01 pm

I'll preface this by saying that I'm not a twink. Fact is I'm quite a mediocre player, both gear- and skillwise. However, I’ve played a significant amount of PVP in all brackets while slowly levelling because I enjoy an exiting match. In every bracket up to this one that has been the case, even though I would get crushed one-on-one by all the Horde twinks, we had enough Alliance twinks on our side to put up a great fight. Hell, we even won abut half of the matches.

In this bracket, that’s not the case. There are multiple very active Horde twinks, but only a few from the Alliance side, whom, sadly, also are not too active. As a result it’s not uncommon to play matches where there are more Horde twinks than Alliance player in total. 

As a result, every single match winds up the same, we loose 3-0 in WSG and 5-0 in AB after being stomped on for about 15 minutes. We get zero reputation and only a handfull of honourable kills in total.

During the WSG and AB-weekends it’s admittedly better, a lot more “regular” players join on both sides, and as a result the Horde twinks gets “diluted”. We still loose, but we might be able to keep one or two bases in AB instead of being five-capped.

So given the circumstances, why the hell would we queue? The people writing in this thread, the people playing the matches, we aren’t high schoolers anymore. We don’t have time to loose ten WSG games in a row for the odd chance that we might score once during one of those matches, especially not when the matches themselves aren’t that fun or exciting.

Horde twinks,
If you want to be able to continue playing in this bracket you need to leave it for a few months and let a few Alliance twinks, and just decent players in general, establish themselves. If you don’t, the bracket is going to stay in this condition indefinitely. Because right now, anyone with the slightest amount of skill, knowledge or commitment will see that there is no reason whatsoever to play in this bracket and move on.

I know there are quite a few of you who are playing because you want exciting games, there are several post in this thread alone that attest to that. However I also know that there are a significant amount of you who are only drawn to this bracket because of the easy wins. So, sadly, I don’t have a lot of hope for this bracket.

Alliance players,
Leave. This bracket is toxic. There is nothing to gain here, except frustration. Continue leveling and join the battle for Alterac Valley instead.

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by Shmuck » Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:59 pm

Played 1 WSG in the bracket. was 5v8 with 3 ally afk at gy. Just a matter of numbers and the fact people don't want to lvl to 49 just to twink...well only a slight few but the active player base of lvlers who queue will see this say fuck that and lvl out immediately. But really it comes down to the fact no one wants a challenge at all and when people just afk after 1 min then ya this is gona be a cancer bracket. Same shit at 60 happens, nothing new.
Shmuckumpoo level 39 Gnome Rogue
Mumlock level 29 Gnome Warlock
Dyel level 29 Human Paladin
Guild Master of <Almost Thirty>
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by stimz » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:30 am

Shmuck wrote:Played 1 WSG in the bracket. was 5v8 with 3 ally afk at gy. Just a matter of numbers and the fact people don't want to lvl to 49 just to twink...well only a slight few but the active player base of lvlers who queue will see this say fuck that and lvl out immediately. But really it comes down to the fact no one wants a challenge at all and when people just afk after 1 min then ya this is gona be a cancer bracket. Same shit at 60 happens, nothing new.

Yeah, I've always said its just too much effort to level a char to 49 to stop before 60 in vanilla. It's even worse when people only play it to cap rank without resistance then move on to get stomped at 60, like all the horde seem to do.

49 was a great bracket in TBC and especially WotLK though. Rivendare-US 40-49s reprezent
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by actionorc » Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:42 am

If allies don't want to tag bg's then we will bring bg's to them.

Hinterlands, Arathi highlands, Tanaris, Searing gorges, Feralas, Maraudon-ST-ZF pre-instances...

You allies cowards will have to post your 60's bodysguards to quest safely

War is coming

Re: Dear Ally lvl 40-49 Bracket!

by stimz » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:00 am

actionorc wrote:If allies don't want to tag bg's then we will bring bg's to them.

Hinterlands, Arathi highlands, Tanaris, Searing gorges, Feralas, Maraudon-ST-ZF pre-instances...

You allies cowards will have to post your 60's bodysguards to quest safely

War is coming

Sounds like you want a preview of what level 60 is like as horde
Stone Guard
Stone Guard


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