19 Bracket PVP

19 Bracket PVP

by Colezz » Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:37 pm

So started playing some BG's today in 19 bracket and Ally got crushed every game. Not complaining just wondering if there is a reason all horde team is organised, twinks yet ally not? we had like lvl 10's and 12's playing for us, which isn't bad because some people just want casual play but why is it not more balanced? Will it ever be possible to have good BG's in this bracket? sad cuz low level PVP is good fun.
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: 19 Bracket PVP

by costner123 » Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:15 am

Alot of active horde twinks on atm, seen a couple of alliance twinks, but the bracket is unbalanced.
Need moar 19 ally twinks!

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