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Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:31 am
by wiseoldenemy
Succubus, nuke me with fire, succubus, nuke me with more fire, if I am not somehow dead, still has death coil shadowburn. So skill! Very much thought and effort put into dispatching an opponent as warlock, yes.

Or maybe, put insta dot insta dot, demonic tongue, oh i am in trouble I don't know how to fake cast or kite... its ok, death coil! I have enough time to shadowbolt and shadowburn, I dont even need fear! you are now insta dead i am full hp, mad? :)

Here are the skills that you might need for pvp:
- fake casting
- kiting skills
- Thinking one step ahead
- timing spells to hit at the right time
- using correct rank of spells during different situations to save mana
- situational awarenes

Here are skills you need to play warlock:
- pressing buttons in the same order everytime
- having the brain power and logic of a tree monkey with half a brain, all divided by 2

If you want to feel like god and falsely raise your ego and trick yourself into thinking you outplay other pvpers, play warlock.

For the finale, one day you are strolling in felwood and see a warlock (synonym with "God", "Master of Universe") at 20% hp, and you just so happen to have enough damage to kill him without him realizing he was being attacked (because if he did realize he would insta no cast, non-trinkatable CC deathcoil you into 20 second fear) and you kill him! OMG! you just killed God! You run to Gods corpse and dance in joy. Suddenly, he pops to life and death coils you and then succubuses you and nukes you with a 4.4k fireballofdestructiongodmodepower. Hahaha how could you be so naive as to think you could possibly kill God.


Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:54 am
by TheNIF
>Still whines vanilla wow isn't balanced in pvp.
>Projects own emotions and motivations unto others

U mad bro? Yeah, he mad af!

Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:39 am
by Fubbzy
Only a fool lets a warlock fight them without los near or a trinket

Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:34 am
by snawfu
i know some people who were into bath salts during ranking

Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:37 am
by vathdaar
every post made by this guy is a QQ About ranking, imabalanced pvp, imbalanced classes... how do ppl survive IRL when they cant even make it through a simple stupid easy game?

Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:48 am
by Heglamore
Fubbzy wrote:Only a fool lets a warlock fight them without los near or a trinket

I fight warlocks with my Glimmering Mithril Insignia: It makes me immune to fear for 30 seconds.

It beats the shit out of the PvP trinket. Most warlocks who experience it once, don't want to try me again, even with my trinket on cooldown.

I've never had real trouble killing the Succubus; but I'm a ret paladin. I kinda wreck them once they expose themselves.. and with my bubble?

I've got like... 42 seconds of fear immunity. > . >

I only have trouble with Demonology Warlocks.. who have as many hitpoints as a god-damned raid boss.

I use shadow aura, even against Soul Fire Warlocks, because with the Succubus down, the warlock doesn't have time to Soulfire me; so the only thing I really worry about is Shadow Bolt.

Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:28 pm
by Forcerius

Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:09 pm
by Lifealert
You really don't know what you're talking about because most classes only have to press a few buttons to instantly kill us. This includes hunters (giant multis/autos), warriors, and rogues. Not to say that warlock is difficult of course. As someone who played melee the last 10 years I can assure you that your claims are outrageous and that you speak from a position of ignorance.

Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:23 pm
by Noxx


Re: Was blizzard smoking bath salts when they made warlocks?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 1:26 pm
by Colezz


i got crit 2.5k conflagerate other day, and dont tell me fire reflector.