Cost respe or not ? again

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Re: Cost respe or not ? again

by Envy » Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:47 am

Damn dude, get over that silly staff.
First of all : it's god damn ugly.
Second of all : hell, a druid ?
Third of all : This story was good but it really sucks to be you, still clinging to that single piece of equipment.

If you don't get it here, will you try somewhere else in 10 years ? :(
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Re: Cost respe or not ? again

by ZanathKariashi » Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:13 am

Ugly my ass, most iconic item players have ever been able get their hands on (with the Skull of Gul'dan a close 2nd, but it ended up as only a trinket so wasn't as cool). Especially for a long time warcraft player (it was even in the original Warcraft's manual, though Medivh himself had a different design).

Meh, I liked the ability to change my options by changing form. Nothing more, nothing less. The other classes I got bored with since it was ultimately the exact same thing no matter which spec you chose, you either solo'd better or got groups better. Druid could do both, and had lots of other nice quality of life additions like being able to stealth, non-mana based options for damage/healing, could easily solo any enemy that could be rooted (or outlasted via dire-bear plus popping in and out to heal). I hate the modern druid so much, i do. there's no such thing as a hybrid class anymore, just classes with multiple roles they can spec into.

To be honest, I don't even really care that much anymore. I'd actually prefer to play on a TBC server so I could actually experience it with fresh eyes, without the previous baggage I had during actual TBC (the guild break-up, the frustration over losing Atiesh, and that last minute rush of pure frustration leading up to it's removal have just left a bad taste that colored my perception of the whole expansion pack), but there simply are no good TBC private servers. Without exception they're all %^$&.

But if i can't do TBC....there's always attempting to get Atiesh on a classic server, but there's no meaning if it's not as hard as it was back then.

And let's face it....classic was the first and last time I raided WoW hardcore, so it's always gonna hold a special place in my heart, for better or worse.

Re: Cost respe or not ? again

by Thrashing » Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:08 pm

Nice story, but honestly I don't think anyone cares.
This thread is for the discussing of respec costs.

While I don't agree with Ironsides, your arguments against him are barely arguments at all. You make far too many assumptions, extremely illogical assumptions as well if you ask me.
I've played this game for over 9 years now, I've played on retail servers up to and including the first PvP season of Cataclysm before I quit and tried a plethora of private servers. In all this time I have never seen a guild function the way you described. And I have seen a lot of guilds, both great and mediocre. Your assumption that every guild that's "worth a damn" will use a system exactly similar to this is ignorant at best.

In reality, after playing on private servers since 2011, I've seen that raiding is overall still a massive gold and time sink. You will not become a millionaire from simply raiding, and even if you do, you're a minority. How will a tiny part of the player base not having to worry about respec costs create a lot of PvP activity?
Meanwhile, in the real world, respecs of 50g will pile up to become incredibly expensive if someone wishes to respec twice a week. Personally I think that a lot of people will simply neglect to respec and PvP anyway if PvP is fully fixed and you can not sit on ranks and am thus willing to argue that 50g is fine.

However, from all your walls of text I fail to find even a single decent argument as to why respec costs should stay at 50g. The only thing you do is assume everyone plays the same way as you, that every guild functions exactly the same and then you derail the thread with writing a diary about your raiding experience that is entirely irrelevant.
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Re: Cost respe or not ? again

by ZanathKariashi » Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:38 pm

Except it's not. Everything was entirely on topic because the OP challenged my original statements and i was required to back them up. I have. 100% factual and accurate.

At the end of the day though, 50g is fine. It's a gold sink, and WoW doesn't have NEARLY enough gold sinks.

Sure, it's easily avoided by people by simply not caring and grouping with whatever spec they want, to be honest, outside of raiding and pvp, your spec really doesn't matter at all. You can do most 5-mans without spending any points at all, and do fine, though not as good as someone who had specialized their spec to that purpose (and thus a pvp build would be fine in most 5-mans...not 100% efficient ability-wise, but even raid-builds have filler talents that are highly circumstantial at best because they gated other much more useful talents).

It's mostly there to catch the min/maxers who MUST absolutely have every possible advantage in their favor no matter what they do, and if they want it, they need to pay for it.

Respecing is a luxury, plain and simple.

Re: Cost respe or not ? again

by Hatson » Mon Dec 08, 2014 3:35 pm

Thrashing wrote:However, from all your walls of text I fail to find even a single decent argument as to why respec costs should stay at 50g. The only thing you do is assume everyone plays the same way as you, that every guild functions exactly the same and then you derail the thread with writing a diary about your raiding experience that is entirely irrelevant.

He posted that because the other guy was challenging his statements. This is how the challenge is resolved.
He was well in right to write that down, and it made the other guy look like a fool for his unnecessary remarks.

But yes, the main point of this thread is the respec cost. Not silly personal bickering, and I believe everyone here should be grown up enough to not go down to such things, but some of the people in this thread aren't quite beyond that phase yet.

I've said a long time ago and made many posts about this topic, and it is and always will be - I feel it should stay on 50g. Whether or not that is a larger goldsink for the server than if it was 10g, allowing more frequent respecs, is beyond anyone's math, as it would require the ability of foresight or some sort of time travel device.
None of the people here have either of those, so the cost will probably remain 50g, as the devs probably feel pretty strong about that remaining blizzlike.

Whatever the case, I feel it should never be completely FREE. That would be beyond dumb to me.
It's there for a reason, and yes we can argue all day if the reason is as valid on private server populations or how it will affect the economy in the long run, but none of those can be known for sure and in the end everyone is just speculating and formulating their own thoughts, ideals and opinions on the subject.
There is no RIGHT answer.

If you want population on the server however, it can indeed be likely that lower respec costs might appeal to more people than the blizzlike cost - but again, no one knows how the population will be on launch, or 4-5 months after launch. So if the server blooms, then the lower cost wouldn't even be necessary if that's the only argument people have behind the respec cost being lower.

And then there's the PvP argument going on atm, and I still feel that the cost should just be blizzlike, and rather than deciding what the cost should be NOW before release, it should rather be a bigger topic of discussion, after release, when we see with clear eyes the economy, pvp popularity, amount of gold people have, etc etc, and can then compare statistics and make a more relevant and on-point discussion and arguments that actually have any truth or surety behind them, rather than just being speculations, thoughts and opinions.
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