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Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:59 pm
by Bioness
tobor wrote:What about Staghelm? The info I can find is inconclusive but I remember him being the Darnassus leader, not Tyrande. A similar situation to Benedictus/Bolvar?

Fandral Staghelm is the one who convinced the druids to make Teldtrassil, where Darnassus is located. Had Malfurion Stormrage not disappeared, no one would have given a damn about Fandral. Tyrande Whisperwind is above Fandral in terms of authority. When Malfurion returned, he and Tyrande ruled as co-leaders of the Night Elves.

As for Benedictus, he was the Leader of the Church of Light (Warcraft Pope), while Bolvar served as the Regent of Stormwind following the disappearance of King Varian Wrynn. Bolvar (before Varian's return) was only the leader of the Stormwind humans, kinda like how there are different groups of Dwarves.

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:14 pm
by Rizzonico
Kuroyu wrote:
Rizzonico wrote:
tobor wrote:What about Staghelm? The info I can find is inconclusive but I remember him being the Darnassus leader, not Tyrande. A similar situation to Benedictus/Bolvar?

Staghelm is really strong, not kitable, he has spells that do a lot of damage and he has more hp then Tyrande.
Yes, Staghelm is the leader of Darnassus, Tyrande is the leader of night elves.

Stats are arbitrary, the racial and faction leader is Tyrande. Blizz knew this and like other racial faction leaders, she received that big HP buff in Wrath or whatever to better represent her status. Staghelm imo is more of a lore npc to fit the story of darnassus.

The problem still stands that she deservedly needs to be stronger because she is a significant quest NPC, and gives too much free honor, even if on a long respawn.

It's more or less like Sylvanas and Varimathras.
Sylvanas is the leader of the forsaken but Varimathars is stronger then her.

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:38 pm
by Kuroyu
But is sylvanas as easy to smash as tyrande and get 15k honor from? That is the problem. Faction leaders power should be normalized.

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:09 pm
by Bioness
Kuroyu wrote:But is sylvanas as easy to smash as tyrande and get 15k honor from? That is the problem. Faction leaders power should be normalized.

Sylvanas actually has less health than Tyrande, however she is also within the same room as Varimathras, which may be the reason for that difference.

The thing is Darnassus is basically void of any high level players to defend it, it would be like if the Alliance suddenly started camping Cairne Bloodhoof, almost no opposition.

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:14 pm
by Robotron
Bioness wrote:The thing is Darnassus is basically void of any high level players to defend it, it would be like if the Alliance suddenly started camping Cairne Bloodhoof, almost no opposition.

Yep. Nobody cares about the stupid cows or Tyrande.

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:24 pm
by Bioness
Robotron wrote:
Bioness wrote:The thing is Darnassus is basically void of any high level players to defend it, it would be like if the Alliance suddenly started camping Cairne Bloodhoof, almost no opposition.

Yep. Nobody cares about the stupid cows or Tyrande.

It is shame too, Darnassus is a really nice looking city, it is just in a horrible location (literally on a tree in the middle of the ocean) and has a bad layout. Thunder Bluff can go to hell though, one wrong turn/auto run and you fall to your death, no thanks.

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:26 pm
by Robotron
TB actually has a use when it comes to raid ports and shit, but yeah, TB's design is horribull.

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:15 pm
by Kuroyu
Bioness wrote:
Kuroyu wrote:But is sylvanas as easy to smash as tyrande and get 15k honor from? That is the problem. Faction leaders power should be normalized.

Sylvanas actually has less health than Tyrande, however she is also within the same room as Varimathras, which may be the reason for that difference.

The thing is Darnassus is basically void of any high level players to defend it, it would be like if the Alliance suddenly started camping Cairne Bloodhoof, almost no opposition.

Do you know if TB's leader gives honor like tyrande?

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:36 pm
by Diametra
Maybe giving her more health would help, I don't know. here's the problem: No one is coming to defend her. they never do. Simonich can attest to this, in the two days he spent there, for HOURS on end with his gang of thugs, no one came to defend tyrande except myself and what's his name...ah, Im at a loss but I've seen him in BGs many times when I used to run them. The only other people that were there were spectators or low levels that incidentally happened to be there. This despite my repeated requests in world chat over the course of hours, to which I would get the endearing reply of, "fuck the elves." Which is code-word for, "I'm too lazy."

Hell if Ally can't defend against three rogues jumping people RIGHT OUTSIDE QUEUE AREA FOR PVP IN IF for hours on end, I'm guessing they aren't going to make the journey to a far away land to defend either.

So, the problem is, if you set her respawn back to 3 or 5 minutes or whatever it is supposed to be, and just give her more health, that means that the horde will be there more often and stay longer and guess how those idle 3-5 minutes is going to be spent?

We can't make the ally care about anything other than their shinies. We could try making Tyrande stronger and see what happens.

Re: The Tyrande problem...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:37 pm
by Ohr