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Re: Can we tone down the rain a little bit?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:20 am
by Undertanker
Is there not a option for weather effects in the video settings?

Re: Can we tone down the rain a little bit?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:58 am
by ivoryraptor
dis is a great chance to bring my bucket and collect some fine quality lvl 60 water!!

Re: Can we tone down the rain a little bit?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 1:06 pm
by Oyani
Pottu wrote:Greetings,

weather is client-based. If you don't like the current weather in a zone, relog, it should change.

The GM team.

That's ridiculous... so for one player it could rain and for another it could be shiny sun weather at the same place and same time?

Re: Can we tone down the rain a little bit?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:35 pm
by smilkovpetko ... did=238574
Revision as of 19:38, September 8, 2006

Weather effects are ambient graphics that appear in-game that simulate real weather (but currently have no mechanical effect). In Patch 1.10 rainfall, snowstorms and sandstorms were added to various zones in World of Warcraft.

current patch 1.8

Added in Patch 1.10

Alterac Mountains (Snow)
Darkshore (Rain)
Dun Morogh (Snow)
Elwynn Forest (Rain)
Feralas (Rain)
Stranglethorn Vale (Including Zul'Gurub) (Rain)
Tanaris (Sandstorms)
Tirisfal Glades (Rain)
Un'Goro Crater (Rain)
Winterspring (Snow)
Silithus (Including Ahn'Qiraj) (Sandstorms)

Added in Patch 1.11

Arathi Basin (Rain)
Desolace (Rain)
Deadwind Pass (Rain)
Dustwallow Marsh (Rain)
Duskwood (Rain)
Eastern Plaguelands (Rain)
Hillsbrad Foothills (Rain)
Hinterlands (Rain)
Redridge Mountains (Rain)
Teldrassil (Rain)
Wetlands (Rain)

Coding Details

"Instead, each sub-zone among the 11 where weather is currently available is now linked to a set of variables that allow for the possibility of precipitation. The variables have been set to make the potential weather appropriate, meaning heavy showers are more likely in one region and drizzles in another. As Kaplan described it, the zone is practically asking itself whether there will be weather. "It's sort of randomly picking: 'I'm ready to rain but do I want to rain?' " he said. Duration will be chosen based on an automated system as well, with enough variables to make things unpredictable. "We didn't want it to be such a mathematical formula that somebody could literally sit with a stopwatch, log in, go to a zone and go, 'OK in two, one, go — it's going to rain.' "