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Re: Meeting Stones as Summoning Stones

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:07 pm
by Hatson
Linc wrote:
& PvP? There's alot ppl still running arround for Q's etc... Arn't there Battlegrounds for the PvP interaction?

I'm sorry, but if anything, World PvP is way more important to a lot of people than BGs, including me. World PvP is what creates the random experiences, encounters, stories, ganks, planned raids on towns, cities, guilds. It's much more spontaneous and fun with friends than BGs that always revolve around the same thing and after I've played probably over 7500 BG matches, it gets a bit boring compared to the World PvP shenanigans.

I mean, it wouldn't be WoW if I couldn't get a group of friends to randomly stalk around BRM with me, or run around STV or Hillsbrad, just looking for some action, perhaps ganking and creating a scene, attacking some quest givers or some town. You know.. That kind of player interaction is so fun, and so healthy for the server.

No player interaction is awful. Which is a big reason why they're not allowing flying mounts in WoD so they can try to get some world pvp going again.
I'd be lying if I didn't say that world pvp is my absolute favourite thing about WoW. It's always a different experience. You never know what will happen or what the other player's reactions are.

Re: Meeting Stones as Summoning Stones

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:17 pm
by Sélenne
That's one of the most important feature of vanilla WoW, world-wide PVP, no flying mount etc

Re: Meeting Stones as Summoning Stones

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:22 pm
by Ardeith
* it highlights player lasyness,
* it will make your character less healthy,
* can be taken as segregation regarding Warlocks who already got a spell for that.

Linc, i think these were kind of a joke :p

Re: Meeting Stones as Summoning Stones

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:33 pm
by Linc
Ardeith wrote:
* it highlights player lasyness,
* it will make your character less healthy,
* can be taken as segregation regarding Warlocks who already got a spell for that.

Linc, i think these were kind of a joke :p

Hehe, jokes are okay :D

Re: Meeting Stones as Summoning Stones

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:29 am
by Linc
I also saw another Blizzlike server but with this feature and it didn't affect anything... Still saw ppl lookin' for help in world chat because they were camped, also you need 2 ppl up there to summon the rest. If you have couple 100 players you will never notice anything PvP side.. also because wen other players are traveling for Summoning stone other player that are waiting for summon are continue questing etc... so those places also stay populated for some PvP and you will make PvP and PvE players happy.

Re: Meeting Stones as Summoning Stones

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:39 am
by Letalis
Nyarko wrote:Out of context :


No offense mate but what isn't part of blizzlike is seeing a member writing in blue ;)

I like your posts tho

Aye, well, what can I say? It's a habit. Been a GM and a Forum Mod for about 7 years. If there is a choice of text color (As some forums I've worked on didn't lock down one color for certain level of access), it's become a habit to go for this one.

Linc wrote:"I can suggest you to post a new topic on our forum, and ask the question "who would like these stones to summon". Then, if a large majority, agrees, we may reconsider our position."

The important thing here, Linc, is the wording: "[...] if a large majority, agrees [...]" First of all the wording overall is questionable due to the choice of use on that comma. But even disregarding that what this statement means is: "If enough people". I keep saying this over and over; you will not be given a definitive answer. The reason you get replies such as these is because any smart Admin keeps his options open. In this case he made the statement as to give you hope of change, but to make sure the last word remains in the Staff's corner, so that they can protest it and shut it down, if they want to, by simply saying "We said; if a large majority. And while the majority was large - it wasn't large enough." Which leaves you with no leverage, no way of retaliation and counter argument.


Re: Meeting Stones as Summoning Stones

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:39 am
by Avshar
Guys, i really dont understand, why you come to a blizzlike server and start suggesting this crap. If you want this tbc+ or even custom changes in the game, why dont you try some other unnamed server?