DM N crisis

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Re: DM N crisis

by Ohr » Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:23 am

skyracer500 wrote:Are you people seriously concerned about Nostalrius' economy? The economy has been broken since week 1. Have you not noticed that it's almost impossible to leave the starter zone with +50 of any profession besides skinning? There are triple the amount of players required for vanilla to function flawlessly..

The hunters will not screw over the economy as much as the amount of players will. Stop worrying about your shit economy and revert this fucking change. There aren't even that many people that know how to kite mobs anyways.

What I've been trying to prove since day one.
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Re: DM N crisis

by Holmes » Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:36 am

i mean even if there were 20 hunters constantly farming DM N, and every hunter made 100g/h, they would only generate 2k gold. and this calculaion is already very optimistic. (1,2 - 1,5k is more realistic)

and like, how much gold do 7k ppl generate averagly per hour? 50k? or even more?
so how much did the 2k input from hunters actually ruin any economy? has it been worth all the trouble caused by the custom change?
the custom change did also not eleminate the farming hunters income, it just lowered it. so these 20 guys now may only geenrate 1k g/h. with a custom change. and with the proper, blizzlike change, it possibly was like 1,4k. so theres 600-1000g less generated per hour, of a total >40k. so again, has all this (custom) crap been worth it?

but the staff remains silent.
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Re: DM N crisis

by Youstroyer » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:38 am

Why it is allways "Hunterr farm DM North"

Druid + Rogue could do it to, and faster then Hunters (but they have to split the gold).

For all of you who have a warcraftmovie premium account:

Rogue/Druid at

Here a Video of a mage who did the entire DM North solo (no tribute)

And also a Video of a Hunter, if someone dont believes that it was blizzlike

This blizz-unlike fix, affected not only hunters, also druids, rogues and all normal groups and should be undone as soon as possoible.

And there are a lot of ways for other lvl 60 classes to solo lvl 60 bosses and farm a lot of gold. You cant just fix one boss, and let all others as they are. Then you have to change a lot of bosses and you are no longer blizzlike. So Choose, be a blizzlike server, or not.

And about the patch line:
If you want to do all boss- and classmechanics like 1.12 then do it with all, and dont introduce some of them, and wait with others. I personaly think you should change the mechanics blizz like. Like resurrect a Demonology specced warlocks demon after Demonic Sacrifice (Patch 1.12)

Re: DM N crisis

by Datruth » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:13 am

Ohr wrote:
skyracer500 wrote:Are you people seriously concerned about Nostalrius' economy? The economy has been broken since week 1. Have you not noticed that it's almost impossible to leave the starter zone with +50 of any profession besides skinning? There are triple the amount of players required for vanilla to function flawlessly..

The hunters will not screw over the economy as much as the amount of players will. Stop worrying about your shit economy and revert this fucking change. There aren't even that many people that know how to kite mobs anyways.

What I've been trying to prove since day one.

Seriously, what of kind emo loser mentality is this? Just because other things are fucking the economy up aswell, doesn't mean we should say "fuck it" and let it be one big mess. Going by that logic you might aswell suicide because you're going to die at some point anyways. Not that I would ever suggest that to anyone, but I'm sure you get the point.

And Ohr just give up. You already made it obvious that the only reason why you're salty (and the real reason why 99% of hunters are salty) about the changes is because you didn't use your window of oppertunity to farm a broken amount of gold while it was possible. The fact that you guys feel that way just proves how broken it truly was, you can't really argue with that fact.
Last edited by Datruth on Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DM N crisis

by DeeMarie » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:40 am

Holmes wrote:the custom change did also not eleminate the farming hunters income, it just lowered it. so these 20 guys now may only geenrate 1k g/h. with a custom change. and with the proper, blizzlike change, it possibly was like 1,4k. so theres 600-1000g less generated per hour, of a total >40k. so again, has all this (custom) crap been worth it?

but the staff remains silent.

I'd be curious if it's quicker to do a run as it currently is, or whether it'd be faster or slower with a proper Blizzlike change, ie linking the mobs. Reason I ask is because I initially assumed they'd be hard linked and that's how I did my first runs :oops: Basically viper down Cho then sting King to death and it took a lot longer.

The staff are silent because they have BWL issues and a new promised PvE server and this stuff is probably petty and on the back burner, they don't have time to revert and come up with the Blizzlike solution. It's just concerning it went through in the first place.

@Ohr, just set him to foe, what I've done :)
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Re: DM N crisis

by Datruth » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:39 am

DeeMarie wrote:I'd be curious if it's quicker to do a run as it currently is, or whether it'd be faster or slower with a proper Blizzlike change, ie linking the mobs. Reason I ask is because I initially assumed they'd be hard linked and that's how I did my first runs :oops: Basically viper down Cho then sting King to death and it took a lot longer.

The staff are silent because they have BWL issues and a new promised PvE server and this stuff is probably petty and on the back burner, they don't have time to revert and come up with the Blizzlike solution. It's just concerning it went through in the first place.

@Ohr, just set him to foe, what I've done :)

Listen to his/her advice, if all your arguments consists of crying/repeating the same nonsense/sarcasm I'm sure it will be the best solution, because from my experience logical arguments don't go down well with that kind of people :)
Stone Guard
Stone Guard

Re: DM N crisis

by Ohr » Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:45 am

I did, though I don't think theres any point. Both the people I set to foe previously ended up banned, so this guy will disappear soon too if he keeps up with the insults.

Either way, my gold farming research starts today when I get back from work. Gonna work on soloing Scholomance with a faster path. Last time I did that I ended up with ~500g after 6 hours of work. Think I could get that down to a reasonable clear speed. Too bad I can't share the methods due to all this "fixing" going on.

RIP my solo dungeon streams.
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Re: DM N crisis

by Stalk » Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:36 pm

DeeMarie wrote:Linking the King and Cho would have added more time since Cho heals the King.

Cho'Rush should have different ability sets that are randomly chosen at instance creation. One of them is a set of mage spells that does not include heals.
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Re: DM N crisis

by Xylon666Darkstar » Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:05 am

Datruth wrote:
DeeMarie wrote:Wow calm down, just because I didn't feel the need to read your walls of text :roll:

The average was probably about 15 minutes, which means a few minutes extra hasn't solved the issue. And it makes no difference to the instance limit.

Linking the King and Cho would have added more time since Cho heals the King.

Making suggestions in the Suggestions forum is what this place is for. I didn't say it was a Blizzlike idea, only one to protect the economy of an enormously oversubscribed server. Yes it would affect group play somewhat, but I don't hear other people crying that they can only farm xyz 5 times an hour instead of 6 or 7. People adjust.

If you don't like suggestions, don't come to this forum. If you want to criticize suggestions, make your own instead of spamming here.

Aren't they linked now? :?

They are not. ;p

Probably why they implemented this bizarre 'fix' in the first place. Again, not doing anything in the end but adding a few minutes annoyance, while butchering it for group runs (possible tank gibbing, no longer untouched loot chest).
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Re: DM N crisis

by huntards » Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:40 am

My friend told me that devs just hotfixed DM N once again and now cho doesnt run towards you when you only attack king so you have to damage her and they reset when they get too far away.

I hope you fucking happy that they successful drive hunters away from DM N, this is blizzlike server yeah right.

Dear devs......



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