Why I am here

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Why I am here

by TheAnointedOne » Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:46 am

Hello dear fans of the original WoW. I am here because in my opinion WoW today is garbage. The so called developer and the new CEO destroyed this game totally. I am not here to save money. I am here to play the game I wanna play.

I read that you wanna introduce the other expansions too. I would recommend that you dont do this. WotLK was the last good expansion. Actually in my eyes WotLK was much better than anything before and of course after but already at the end of WotLK they began to destroy the gamemechanics.

So if you wanna introduce other expansions in my eyes at the most to WotLK nothing what came after WotLK because that is not WoW anymore. If I wanna play something else than WoW I would play the official WoW - WoD. And if you introduce WotLK it should be the gamemechanic of 3.0.2 or whereever the gamemechanic was still fantastic. Not the garbage of 3.3.5.

But I hope you will have success with your project because I wanna play on a real server with many players. I am really happy that you wanna fight cheaters. On youtube you said cheaters are a plague on private servers what might be true but to be honest on the real servers it is a majority who cheats in PvP. It is not only that the gamemechanics and class balance is totally crap no I have to fight against superbots which reacts faster and more precise than any human could be. So this is a big factor why I will support your project too. PvP was always the main reason why I played this game.

Re: Why I am here

by ricprimus » Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:12 pm

I started retail WoW 3hrs after it opened on Medivah (West Coast US had a 3 hour start since our store in East US (Best Buy didn't open until noon est where I had my Collector's Edition pre-ordered). Needless to say, it was a blast playing from the start! Have been watching like mad to get into a newly opened server since privates got going.
I was a fan both of classic 1.ish and tbc, stopped at Beta Wolk after my 2 accounts were hacked and Blizzard only restored gear on 1 of 5 70's (they did nothing about banks packed with goodies) plus in Beta Wolk I didn't like the direction retail was going with gear stat inflation and the start of easy mode wow.
Absolutely hated the various pvp privates since pvp always degenerated into speed hackeing, gy & fp camping and rarely did server admin do a thing to control it.
I will definitely give Nostalrius a good look when it opens- hoping for the best!
Last edited by ricprimus on Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why I am here

by Drain » Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:56 pm

Opening up expansion realms won't take away from the Classic one. You'll be free to play whichever you prefer, something Blizzard never gave you and still refuses to give you to this day. They should have done that, and would still have a good 12M subs if they did, but they didn't think more than 5 minutes in front of their faces. They forced every realm to patch up because they wanted to force every player to buy the boxes to continue playing. They didn't want you stay behind, and deliberately ruined your game if you tried. You may as have uninstalled if you weren't going to buy the next box come release day.

Fast forward to modern day, and you now have a shit game with no retail way of going back to a better era. If they bothered to make legacy servers, millions of players would reactive accounts and they'd make an absolute killing, but they live in denial now. They refuse to admit that they've fucked the game, and that it's so much worse now. They continue this ignorance despite all the players leaving, hoping the next PoS expansion will bring everyone back. It does bring back subs, but only for a few mobs. As soon as players have seen the content, they leave as fast as they came. It has no longevity anymore, and you can thank the ridiculous level speeds and pathetically easy difficulty for this.

BC was the best era of WoW. Wotlk wasn't terrible, but it started adding things WoW never should have gotten, such as Heirlooms and the Dungeon Finder teleport. It was also the beginning of the dumbing down of difficulty. Leveling became needlessly fast and easy in Wotlk, and raiding was easier. It was the "beginning of the end" for WoW by taking the game away from its original design. It also had the last bit of good lore for the game. They ran out of good material after Wotlk, and now just pull things out of their ass. Deathwing out of no where. Panda's on a magic continent out of no where. Now they're revisting Outlands, a continent that was already used in BC. They're no doubt trying to sucker people back by reusing content/lore from the best era in WoW's life. The better solution would be to just release BC servers...
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Re: Why I am here

by ricprimus » Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:46 pm

Agree completely: I still take a peek at what's going on retail though I long ago sold my accounts (for shame!) Not interested in out of control stat inflation or easy mode leveling. When I discovered private servers 4,5 years ago have pretty much stayed with 1.12's and an occasional foray into 2.43. 3,4 servers died along the way, some just descended into gankfests. Have been enjoying playing for 11 months on a pve server (main has 42 days playing time over 10 months) but population keeps cycling through barely enough to raid zg/aq20/mc to barely enough to do ubrs. Hoping here they keep a firm control over corpse, gy camping and hackers.
Nostalrius appears to be going the right direction and will give it a hearty try, especially the pvp which I've never really done much of.
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Re: Why I am here

by Drain » Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:34 pm

I sold mine too. I never thought I'd do that, as WoW was always a game I'd come back to, but after Cata, I knew the game was fucked totally beyond repair. I knew I was a relic of a long forgotten era and no longer belonged. The new generation was full of newbs that autoattacked their way to max level in easymode and lazy children, spoiled by their DF teleports, and purples being handed out like tap water. They complained about having to run to dungeons. I was playing when you didn't even get a mount until 40. Spoiled shits, I tell you. After voicing my disappointments and pleas to the developers in hope of saving that sinking ship, I was banned from the forums for "spamming & trolling". But none of the people trolling me in the game's defense were punished.

I too realized that I did want to return to WoW, but now the current shitplate calling itself WoW. I want to return to the real WoW, the one I remember from when the game was good. I've kept an eye on private servers over the years, but could never find one I deemed worth committing to. Nostalrius will finally be the first, a Blizzlike 1x with no stupid P2W cash shops. I want either Classic or BC. They're doing Classic first, which is great, so you could do them in order.

Here's a cool new video I found, where a BC player picks up MoP after a long break:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smE0DyJ ... 6A&index=1
R I P: Untoten(29d, 12h), Schuss(54d, 10h), Bluten(27d, 8h), Angst(9d, 11h), Zauber(23d, 5h)
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Re: Why I am here

by Hatson » Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:48 pm

And here's a video of a vanilla player picking up MoP and his World PvP complaints.
The White Blacksmith.
Sometimes I stream stuff: http://www.twitch.tv/travallama/
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Re: Why I am here

by Drain » Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:19 pm

Haha, that's another good one I think I linked. I've followed his channel for quite a while now, before he made that video. He made it when he returned to WoW in MoP. I go to his twitch streams sometimes and watch his Worth A Buy videos. I originally discovered his first channel in 2012 when we were playing MWO, but that game too has since went to shit and neither of us play it anymore. He still plays Hearthstone, but I've since quit that too(and sold the account, no less). This is his other channel, where he does game reviews.

Can you link the one of the guy that raided MoP with an autoattacking Rogue that didn't do anything? I forgot to save that one.
R I P: Untoten(29d, 12h), Schuss(54d, 10h), Bluten(27d, 8h), Angst(9d, 11h), Zauber(23d, 5h)
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Re: Why I am here

by Hatson » Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:49 pm

Drain wrote:Can you link the one of the guy that raided MoP with an autoattacking Rogue that didn't do anything? I forgot to save that one.

You're talking about Preach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFWh9aY4pas

He actually does a lot of coverage of WoW, and a lot of fun and good discussion videos about current WOW or older WoW times. And he also does a lot of fun "top 5" or "worst 5" lists related to WoW and MMOs in general.

F.ex. his legacy videos are amazing. Sure, you might agree or disagree with many of his thoughts, but that's just how gaming is to people, it's all subjective and depends on personal tastes, but I feel his videos are very well put together and fun to watch and think about.

Legacy playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... bj1RAiskFd

And here's top 5 / worst 5 list videos, they're also a lot of fun: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... X5qV49fu5H
The White Blacksmith.
Sometimes I stream stuff: http://www.twitch.tv/travallama/
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Re: Why I am here

by Drain » Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:58 pm

Yes that's the one. It's a good video. Too bad the developers of the actual game don't understand any of these things anymore.
R I P: Untoten(29d, 12h), Schuss(54d, 10h), Bluten(27d, 8h), Angst(9d, 11h), Zauber(23d, 5h)
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Re: Why I am here

by Veleant » Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:00 pm

Well, i agree with you on mostly everything but "Deathwing was pulled out of nowhere", it's actually not true if you somehow into lore... I predicted that they will add him to the game (as well as worgens), because he had a huge "tail hanging behind" (pun intended). But he wasn't related to Maelstrom in any way, and if you watched pre-cata blizzcon, they originally planned to make a location called "Deathwing's Scar" somewhere near Badlands. There was some connection to earthern realm (judging by shittons of earthen elems), and there was a quest to slay Deathwing's lieutenants, where you had an earthen signet to actually "release them from prison". So yeah... They fucked up their own lore with that thing. We could also speculate about elemental plane and elemental lords, but have i ever thought about mecha-zombie Nef and Ony? - NOOO FUCKING WAY. A whole continent with pandas and asian culture? - Guess what... And now we get orcs travelling in time in a parallel timeline and some cool excuses like "don't think about the lore, just eat the shit we're handing to you".

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