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Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:33 pm
by A7XZ
For me, wall jumping and the levitate glitch (there are a few more) were some of the most fun parts of the game. You could explore the world on a whole other level. They were both removed somewhere by the end of WotLK I think, wall jumping was deleted a little bit earlier than levitate.
Anyways, I recently joined another private server (vanilla) to relive old memories, BUT these glitches were impossible to do even though they did exist during vanilla. My suggestion is to keep all the fun glitches this game had at the times. That way me and a LOT of other people can enjoy it like we did in the old times!


Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 12:17 am
by Drain
I don't think they will, or ever should, do this kind of thing. Just because Blizzard didn't fix it when they should have, doesn't mean it should be left in as a "feature".

Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:35 am
by Hatson
I'm not so sure about the levitate glitch specifically, as that one's pretty glaring and obvious.
But wall jumping will always be a thing in WoW. It's no different now on retail than it was back then. Sure some ways of exploring and going past zone boundaries might be gone or harder to do on retail now, but it's still very possible.

But some of the old, old glitches and bugs seen in such videos as Dopefish's very famous and the first of its' kind - 'Nogg-a-holic' - And OotHE's videos - some of those explorations and glitches might not be possible here. But really, that requires a respond from the devs if they fiddled a lot with the boundaries of the world, whether it be through wall jumping, blinking, levitating, fearing, polymorphing, or just general glitching.
But all those were there on vanilla retail, and some still are.

Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:51 am
by A7XZ
Drain wrote:I don't think they will, or ever should, do this kind of thing. Just because Blizzard didn't fix it when they should have, doesn't mean it should be left in as a "feature".

Maybe they won't, but I think they should. Everyone had their own way of playing the game and this was an important and fun part for many, me included. The whole gaming experience is what we want to come back to, right? It's almost like saying that we should have the new skins, just because they didn't have the graphics back then. Or dungeon finder, because it is faster than having to find your own group...

I don't know if you know anything about the Halo series, but they recently released all 4 main games on one disc with each game's original multiplayer intact (even though their servers messed up, which has nothing to do with my point). The two first games had very specific glitches back then that they didn't fix, and they were FUN. You could dubble shoot/melee or you could bounce of the ground to higher roofs and snipe the hell out of people. As they released this remaster they chose to KEEP all these small things that made 'THAT' difference, which I think is totally awesome. You want to come back to the exact experience, like I said. SURE it won't be exactly the same since there won't ever be close to the same numbers of players, but things like this matters.

I understand that it is a little "damn you if you do" / "damn you if you don't" senario, but these glitches are rarely used to get advantage of another player in, say, PVP. And if people do use glitches to CHEAT, ban them. I used them to explore the world, find hidden places and such. I really enjoyed that and I miss it.

Again, people play the game differently and that is what made this game so unique.

Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:57 am
by A7XZ
Hatson wrote:I'm not so sure about the levitate glitch specifically, as that one's pretty glaring and obvious.
But wall jumping will always be a thing in WoW. It's no different now on retail than it was back then. Sure some ways of exploring and going past zone boundaries might be gone or harder to do on retail now, but it's still very possible.

But some of the old, old glitches and bugs seen in such videos as Dopefish's very famous and the first of its' kind - 'Nogg-a-holic' - And OotHE's videos - some of those explorations and glitches might not be possible here. But really, that requires a respond from the devs if they fiddled a lot with the boundaries of the world, whether it be through wall jumping, blinking, levitating, fearing, polymorphing, or just general glitching.
But all those were there on vanilla retail, and some still are.

It is very different actually! If you run towards a wall and jump, you get stopped, it's like you hit your head on something. Also, it's almost impossible to get stuck (to get to higher spots) on a wall while jumping against it. I was a wall-jumping freak and I can really see the difference!
And now especially, it is not any fun exploring, since you have flying mounts in Azeroth. It's just not special in retail anymore.

I miss all those you mentioned... Blinking glitches, polymorphing, yeah all those were so damn fun!

Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:21 am
by Ardeith
I used to wall jump in Alterac to take Alliance tower alone ( you could climb the wall of the tower ).
You could also get south of the map when you were horde and wall jump to get on the mountain ( this was the easier spot, but you could do it at different location but it was harder and longer ), then you could do all the way to the alliance base through the mountain, and cap the last alliance graveyard. ( They later fixed it by moving the horde entrance to this exact spot, dunno if it was because of this exploit or for balance purpose ).
You could go to the top of the BRM door, searing gorge side. And just kill every player that came accross.

You could almost climb anything when you mastered wall jump, you see the room where there are battleground master in orgrimmar, you can climb theses wall too, so pretty everything that is not 100% vertical.

So yeah wall jump was damn fun to explore the world but you could also use it to exploit in PvP, a lot.

And not being able to wall jump doesnt stop you to explore area like caverns of time and stuff like that, it just a bit harder but it s still possible without it.

Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:31 am
by A7XZ
Ardeith wrote:I used to wall jump in Alterac to take Alliance tower alone ( you could climb the wall of the tower ).
You could also get south of the map when you were horde and wall jump to get on the mountain, then you could do all the way to the alliance base through the mountain, and cap the last alliance graveyard. ( They later fixed it by moving the horde entrance to this exact spot, dunno if it was because of this exploit or for balance purpose ).
You could go to the top of the BRM door, searing gorge side. And just kill every player that came accross.

So yeah wall jump was damn fun to explore the world but you could also use it to exploit in PvP, a lot.

And not being able to wall jump doesnt stop you to explore area like caverns of time and stuff like that, it just a bit harder but it s still possible without it.

Yeah, you could use it to cheats and take advantage, but then you could ban people who use them like that.

Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:42 am
by Ardeith
I never get banned back in the days, so this means, you give the player the experience to do same thing like you could on retail, but you ban them because it s an exploit ?

Sry if i dont agree with you, i liked wall jumping back in the days ( i spent my time in game doing this all the time at some point on retail ), but if i have to choose, i prefer a server without it for balance purpose.

Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:51 am
by A7XZ
Ardeith wrote:I never get banned back in the days, so this means, you give the player the experience to do same thing like you could on retail, but you ban them because it s an exploit ?

Sry if i dont agree with you, i liked wall jumping back in the days ( i spent my time in game doing this all the time at some point on retail ), but if i have to choose, i prefer a server without it for balance purpose.

There was a lot of people getting banned for stuff like that though!
Well, then maybe it should be there, for old times sake? Patching a glitch because it makes you "better" than others or such is understandable. However I feel like normal walljumping and exploring is not hurting anyone.

Perhaps the mods on Nostalrius could just implement a rule that cheaters will be banned? Seems pretty fair to me!

Re: Wall jumping and levitate glitch

PostPosted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:24 pm
by Avshar
A7XZ wrote:For me, wall jumping and the levitate glitch (there are a few more) were some of the most fun parts of the game.

This seriously took my breath away.. :roll: