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Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:25 pm
by Yroh
Level filter would be great, i prefer it the other way around thou, so like lvl 5-10+ only, are able to whisper me. Unless on friend, guild list etc.

Was a little afraid the duplicate message blocker would interfere with vQueue , but works so great together! Never had such a clean chat, all without anal, lfg or lfm etc spam, and only profession lf work spam every 5min instead of every 10secs. Thumps up! ;)

However i got a problem with the temporary ignore list, when set to max. 3600s.. Like its workling permanent without the option ticked, the names listed there never get removed after set time.

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:43 pm
by Mopar
Hi Yroh - The temporary ignore list will do that sometimes but here is what is happening.

SpamThrottle tries to be very light on resources, so it only checks to see if a player is on the local ban list and whether they should be removed when they say something in a chat channel. So if let's say your ban time is set to 600 seconds (10 minutes), and that user logs off before the expiry time, then they won't be saying anything in chat. So SpamThrottle will not unban them until the next time they say something, but if they do then it will unban them and allow it to go through.

The side effect is that someone can stay in your local ban list past the expiry date, but would eventually be removed if they then go on to say something.

I was thinking about putting a periodic audit in to just go through the list though; since the way it works now is not intuitive. That would (say once per minute) just traverse the player ban list and remove anyone that's expired.

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:11 am
by Mopar
I've just updated SpamThrottle to version 1.4. I highly recommend going to Github and downloading the latest version. Here are the changes:

1) Removed the "faction database" capability, which is only useful on servers with shared Alliance/Horde chat channels. This reduces the memory required as well as cleaning up an issue with /who commands.

2) Created an audit of the local player ban list so that players will expire properly when it is not set to 'permanent'. So they will be removed automatically now at the end of their ban timeout even if they do not say anything in chat.

3) Changed the way keyword filters work to use 'fuzzy' filtering. This means that attempts to circumvent SpamThrottle will fail. Gold sellers have been trying to do this lately. Note that a side effect is that very short keywords could block messages unintentionally so be sure to test your keywords for a while by setting SpamThrottle to color messages rather than hiding them until you are happy with your list.

Incidentally, if you are upgrading from an old version of SpamThrottle, you might not have the full gold seller keyword list as it doesn't update your keywords when you update. I don't want to post them here, so have a look at Line 63 of Interface/Addons/SpammThrottle/SpamThrottle.lua for them.

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:35 am
by Mopar
Another update to add capability that has been requested quite a lot. The whitelist.


I've added the capability to reverse the sense of the matching for keywords, so that you can effectively create a 'whitelist'. The way this works is that if you have keywords specified, and this option is enabled, then you will see ONLY those messages matching the keywords.

There are two modes: You can have "Color messages rather than hiding" either enabled or disabled.

If message coloring is disabled (hide mode), then you will see no other messages other than the ones that get matched by your keywords. The world will be a very quiet place.

If message coloring is enabled (color mode), then you will see all chat, but most of it will be dark gray. You will not be able to click on player names or items in that gray text. However, anything matching one of your keywords will show up normally.

Note that in this mode, the local player ban and repeated message spam still works the same way; they will be hidden, regardless of whether you are using SpamThrottle as a whitelist (they stay blocked). Only keyword matches will show up in this mode.

I recommend using 'color mode' to test out how your filter works when configuring it.

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:37 pm
by Mopar
bump. Unlimited ignore list. Configurable keyword filter. Auto removal of duplicate messages with a configurable timeout. SpamThrottle address all your chat recovery needs.

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:16 am
by Mopar

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 9:48 am
by Stondus
Bumpity bump.

Thank you for possibly the singlemost BEST addon ever made. No more simba or susan in chats.

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:55 pm
by cascarrabias
Gonna install it, looks awesome

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:05 am
by Hammersplat
bumping for a good addon

Re: SpamThrottle: Vanilla addon to reduce chat spam

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:30 pm
by dandoman
There are people not using this Addon cause it is not part of the game. Part of the game is sending Reports, so that the GMs take action here, which is what they are for inter alia.
The more peeps report a Spamer the more it is taken into account.
Repeatedly behaviour leads to extended punishments and more important this way helps all players getting confronted with them.