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Re: modui

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:20 am
by spagheddysham
Hey modernist thanks for all your work on this addon. I want to know how I can use self cast with alt. Before I got your addon i had snowfallkeypress for vanilla. You had to do a command to enable the self cast with alt option. What I mean by self cast with alt is if im targeting another player but i want to heal myself I could press alt and use my healing abilities and i would heal myself without switching targets. I tried to use the snowfallkeypress addon and use the command with modui but that didnt work. Maybe you could make a command to toggle it if possible. This would be awesome.

Re: modui

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:36 pm
by modernist

with a lovely low-fps gif

+ movable castbar option
+ cursor tooltip option
+ auto fishing pole equip
+ right-click raid frame to tag a unit as a tank
+ rare/elite borders now displayed in original colour (silver/gold
respectively) over custom coloured unitframe border
+ class coloured battleground scoreboard names
+ druid mana bar
+ fixed druid energy ticker
+ fixed nameplate castbar offset
+ latest version of healcomm
+ save clock display preference between sessions
- error message from some non-player spell casts
- issue that sometimes caused disconnect when selling grey items
- conflict with RingMenu

Re: modui

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:41 pm
by sp00ned

Is there any way to fix or edit the new border thingy so it fits frequently used addons, such as UnitframesImproved? - It's showing every mob as elite.

Seems like if you relog, there's no way of configuring the UI and some of your settings is reverted back to default, such as gryphons showing on actionbars.

To fix this I have to delete the ModUI files in the WTF folder then it reverts back to normal, however, the problem comes back as soon as you log out/relog after logging in for the first time, after fixing it. So the "fix" only lasts until the next time you log out and then you have to do it again.

Re: modui

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:28 pm
by modernist
do you mean logging out as going back to the character select/login screen, or logging out as in completely restarting the client?

I've been unable to replicate either of your issues after installing the latest version of UnitFramesImproved_Vanilla. can you try backing up and then wiping your WTF folder entirely, and then ensure you have the latest version of each addon.

Re: modui

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:47 pm
by modernist
if you need to roll back to a stable version to play, the last version is available here: -v77

a possible cause for issues was the accidental removal of a library used by mobhealth, this has now been fixed. let me know if it solves the problems you've been having: v78.5

what's weird is that i haven't had any issues or errors, even after installing UnitFramesImproved_Vanilla.

Re: modui

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:08 pm
by Huggmuth
Thanks for the update! Was looking forward to the tooltip on cursor option. Is there any chance you will add the option to see the missing HP of your target? I find this really useful to measure what heal to use etc.


Re: modui

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:36 pm
by Tjate
Hi !!

I have same problem as sp00ned, first time i login and click on "M" button all buttons is there but it says i use v77 of modui. But after a relog or char change there is no buttons then i click on "M" only info on version of modui you use.
Have disable all addons and only use modui

Re: modui

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:40 pm
by kvick
Im having problem with stealth sometimes.
I use stealth on the main bair(1), and sometimes i have to press it twice for it to register. I've tried making a macro for spamable stealth and alot of other stuff, but it doesnt work. Cant seem to find any fix for this.
It also seems to happen far more frequently in dungeons.
Please halp?? :shock:

Re: modui

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:48 pm
by modernist
yeah sorry, the menu text wasn't updated to display the version and will incorrectly say "v77" in-game (though i've just updated and pushed a fix for that).

does deleting modui settings from your WTF folder have no effect with the latest version put up today?

Re: modui

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:52 pm
by kvick
Ive got issues with stealth.
Sometimes it doesnt register or something. When i press the button(i have it on the main bar) just nothing happens, and i have to press it again. This seems to happen way more frequent in dungeons than otherwise. Tried fixing this with macros but no results.
Any ideas?