One Click Pet Feeding Macro

One Click Pet Feeding Macro

by indolentsloth » Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:37 am

First of all I want to say Thanks to Pwnarcher on wow-one forums all credit goes to him I am merely copying and pasting his post for a one click pet feeding macro for all Hunters of Nostalrius to use.

I want it on my toolbar. I found a working script to feed the pet in one click

/script if UnitExists("Pet") and not PlayerFrame.inCombat then CastSpellByName("Feed Pet"); TargetUnit("Pet"); PickupContainerItem(3, 16); end

The only stipulation for this is that you must have the item setting the the last bag spot in your last bag assuming you use the normal set up of the standard blizzard bag and 3 additional 16 slot bags then the quiver or ammo pouch in the last spot. Thats what the "(3, 16)" is for. The bags are numbered starting at 0 for the blizzard bag 1, 2 3 4 for the remaining. So if you wanted to use the first slot in the blizzard bag you would change that to "(0, 1)" or if you wanted to use the 2nd slot in the 3rd bag it would be "(2, 2)"

Still need to find the other macro's, i know they are possible!

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