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Healing Macros

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:48 pm
by FatherThrondor
I would like to know how to macro my heals to heal my target if friendly, or heal my target's target if unfriendly. I don't want to code it to assist my target, heal, then assist back to the target i had before. I just want the button to check if my target is friendly or unfriendly, and if unfriendly heal whoever that mob is targetting, and if my target is already friendly, to just heal him/her.

Re: Healing Macros

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:03 pm
by Rhena
The classic ui only supports casting on your current target or yourself. Every addon that does something else is just tricking you by switching so fast you can't see it.

And since i'm a nice guy:
Code: Select all
/script if UnitReaction("target","player")<=4 then TargetUnit("targettarget") CastSpellByName("Flash of Light"); TargetLastTarget()  else CastSpellByName("Flash of Light") end