Account permanently closed?

Account permanently closed?

by mortenmoulder » Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:06 pm


I started playing on Nostalrius with a couple of a friends about a week ago. We already have a friend playing here, who said we should join the fun. And oh man, we have had some fun. The nostalgic moments are simply epic. We were having fun, got to about level 15, and poof I got banned.

I think it may have been due to me getting 50 gold from my friend (who suggested we should start playing). I traded a few gold to one of my other friends, so we could share the 50 gold (unfair that I got 50 gold and they had silvers).

I leveled up a few professions to ~100, but when I went to play today, I was greeted with a "This World of Warcraft account has been closed and is no longer available for use". When I logged onto Nostalrius, after resetting my password, it said "Your account has been banned permanently.". That's it. No error message (which could give me an idea of why I got banned).

Can anyone clarify why I got banned? I know I am "only" level 14-15, but I spent about 12 hours on that character already, doing professions and so on.

Character name: Cruizin
Realm: PvE

Thanks in advance,

EDIT: Also, I might have an idea. While leveling my professions yesterday (enchanting), I created a autohotkey macro to enchant automatically. It was literally just 3 clicks and a 5 second delay. Could that be why I got banned?

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