Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by teekanc » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:30 pm

Michaelfox wrote:Hey This is Michaelfox Officer of Vintage, Just letting you know not only is this ban unjust its unfair. This player did nothing wrong other then use something you allowed to go live, just like your AV, DM, and basically every release of this game you hide behind your mistakes and ban your community. Not only is Cerina a very good PvE player and very active in that community but hes also a very active PvPer on this server, he puts more time then most on your server and considers this his life and had "Dreams" of being Field Marshal and helping his Guild Clear (and test, every night were there hes there in the PTR help you debug your content) BWL.

As for his infraction, what he did is a slap on the wrist at best, i could have made more gold standing in IF begging for silver, he looted an item off a vendor you allowed to go live, he didnt do anything to increase the spawn rate all he did was waste his morning standing there, he wasnt trying to ruin the server or the economy he just made a mental error in judgement, this was a mistake waiting to happen. Once the GM picked up on the issue, and simple "Warning apon investigation we have determined that the re-spawn on that NPC is incorrect, We will be resetting the items you have received from the vendor and the vendor will be hotfixed" This would show not only that you care about your community but also that you can for ONCE take the blame for a mistake you have created.

If you still feel this player deserves discipline then handing out your now Precedent 1 week ban for players who do something you allowed to go live ( AV Perfect Example) and then get in trouble for it ( Leaders of Top Guilds) this seems to fall under that. As you allowed this (tested??) NPC to go live, with your re-spawn timers, and all he did was click the item. So unless that 1 week ban is only reserved for your Top players on the server which for the life of this servers sake it better not be, then this should be overturned to a warning or at most a week ban.

Michaelfox Vintage

Laughable. He took advantage of what he knew was incorrect. Exploiting to gain an advantage or profit is grossly against the rules.

The points you expressed in your novel only goes to show that as a "tester", he should have been able to recognize that something was amiss. Anyone with game experience would know that something was amiss. Both yours, and your GMs testimony just goes to show that what he did was done so with the intent to exploit and gain from this mistake.


Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by Michaelfox » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:42 pm

Laughable. He took advantage of what he knew was incorrect. Exploiting to gain an advantage or profit is grossly against the rules. #staybanned.

Its not up to the players on the server to know spawn timers, not everyone played Vanilla, to say he KNEW it was incorrect is "Laughable", we play on a server x3 the avg peak population of Vanilla Live, for all we knew they had increased spawn timers due to amount of players on the server. We don't know that cause this server is NOT Blizzlike they release patches with content incorrect all the time. People make mistakes and have moments of bad judgement but he didnt bug anything, he just opened a window with a vendor Nost Dev team decided was ready for LIVE was TESTED and Deemed "Working as Intended". Its both parties fault.

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by teekanc » Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:56 pm

Michaelfox wrote:
Laughable. He took advantage of what he knew was incorrect. Exploiting to gain an advantage or profit is grossly against the rules. #staybanned.

Its not up to the players on the server to know spawn timers, not everyone played Vanilla, to say he KNEW it was incorrect is "Laughable", we play on a server x3 the avg peak population of Vanilla Live, for all we knew they had increased spawn timers due to amount of players on the server. We don't know that cause this server is NOT Blizzlike they release patches with content incorrect all the time. People make mistakes and have moments of bad judgement but he didnt bug anything, he just opened a window with a vendor Nost Dev team decided was ready for LIVE was TESTED and Deemed "Working as Intended". Its both parties fault.

Nice attempt to lay the blame on the server. He knew what he was doing. End of story.

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by Tryptamyne » Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:04 pm

Nice attempt to lay the blame on the server. He knew what he was doing. End of story.

I also know what I am doing when I cast my spells while standing next to these dinosaurs in Maraudon. They don't have their AoE silence on this server, so I exploit that. I also exploit the trash in MC if it is too weak. I kill the trash that is too weak and take my items from the bosses. I also exploit this server's quick respawn rates by farming Essence of Water in EPL. I picked up 2 Silverleaf flowers that were stacked inside each other. Just exploited it like that. I turned in a quest in Feralas that just was instantly completed and took the full experience for it without asking a GM to take my experience away again. When the mines in AV respawned too quickly, I often stood in them and fought there to exploit the mines. How many centuries of ban do I deserve for that?

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by TheNIF » Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:08 pm

teekanc wrote:
Michaelfox wrote:
Laughable. He took advantage of what he knew was incorrect. Exploiting to gain an advantage or profit is grossly against the rules. #staybanned.

Its not up to the players on the server to know spawn timers, not everyone played Vanilla, to say he KNEW it was incorrect is "Laughable", we play on a server x3 the avg peak population of Vanilla Live, for all we knew they had increased spawn timers due to amount of players on the server. We don't know that cause this server is NOT Blizzlike they release patches with content incorrect all the time. People make mistakes and have moments of bad judgement but he didnt bug anything, he just opened a window with a vendor Nost Dev team decided was ready for LIVE was TESTED and Deemed "Working as Intended". Its both parties fault.

Nice attempt to lay the blame on the server. He knew what he was doing. End of story.

Yeah, he was buying something from a vendor and selling it on AH.

Saying he knew that the respawn timer was set incorrectly and that he knew this was considered an exploit is to presume to know something you can't actually know.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by TheNIF » Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:12 pm

teekanc wrote:[Laughable. He took advantage of what he knew was incorrect.

How do you know he knew? Prove it.

These claims to possess knowledge you can't possibly have merely serve to exclude you from a balanced and objective discussion.

teekanc wrote: Exploiting to gain an advantage or profit is grossly against the rules.

Exploiting implies one is knowingly engaging in something that is against server rules.

1. There is no server rule with regards to buying from vendors and selling on AH.
2. It is simply not possible for you to know what the coders have intended the correct timer should be.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by Shadowx93ca » Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:39 pm

That is unprofessional to a gross degree. Characters who were banned as a result of this "exploit" as it has been called should be unbanned immediately. A warning would be pushing it, seeing as in another case, a player was told that this practice was perfectly permitted. In this case it is the full responsibility of the GM's and Developers to ensure these problems are fixed, to avoid people using them.

I would be appalled if the Nostalrius Staff doesn't take action accordingly and ensures these accounts are restored. This is by no means open communication with the players involved, and does nothing to solve the issue.

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by Pottu » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:34 pm

E - Permanent ban.: Most serious sanction. Permanent bans are rare but definitive. This sanction is applied in case of multiple violations of the rules, or after multiple account interruption, as well as any of the following:


Using any botting program;
Abuse of major in-game bugs;
Possession of any item(s) obtained with illegal methods;
Any client modification (libraries, executables, MPQ, etc.);
Revealing the identity of a Nostalrius Begins staff member;
Advertising for other private servers or gold selling websites;
Selling/Buying accounts, gold, items or any ingame services with real money;
Publishing a software, methods or articles on cheating which can be applied on the server.

Why did none of you report that the vendors were spawning very quickly? Just one player made a ticket about it. You can use common sense instead of being greedy. If something seems to be too good to be true - like a herb vendor whose inventory respawns every 2 minutes - you should make a ticket and ask a GM about it. Instead you chose to exploit this major bug and make a nice profit on the side.

We have banned bug exploiters before and will continue to do so in the future. If you are unsure of something being a bug, make a ticket and ask us about it, instead of exploiting it.
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Game Master

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by teekanc » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:37 pm

Shadowx93ca wrote:That is unprofessional to a gross degree. Characters who were banned as a result of this "exploit" as it has been called should be unbanned immediately. A warning would be pushing it, seeing as in another case, a player was told that this practice was perfectly permitted. In this case it is the full responsibility of the GM's and Developers to ensure these problems are fixed, to avoid people using them.

I would be appalled if the Nostalrius Staff doesn't take action accordingly and ensures these accounts are restored. This is by no means open communication with the players involved, and does nothing to solve the issue.

It's a good thing this isn't a business or their profession.

Re: Cerina -- Alliance Ban Appeal

by teekanc » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:38 pm

Pottu wrote:
E - Permanent ban.: Most serious sanction. Permanent bans are rare but definitive. This sanction is applied in case of multiple violations of the rules, or after multiple account interruption, as well as any of the following:


Using any botting program;
Abuse of major in-game bugs;
Possession of any item(s) obtained with illegal methods;
Any client modification (libraries, executables, MPQ, etc.);
Revealing the identity of a Nostalrius Begins staff member;
Advertising for other private servers or gold selling websites;
Selling/Buying accounts, gold, items or any ingame services with real money;
Publishing a software, methods or articles on cheating which can be applied on the server.

Why did none of you report that the vendors were spawning very quickly? Just one player made a ticket about it. You can use common sense instead of being greedy. If something seems to be too good to be true - like a herb vendor whose inventory respawns every 2 minutes - you should make a ticket and ask a GM about it. Instead you chose to exploit this major bug and make a nice profit on the side.

We have banned bug exploiters before and will continue to do so in the future. If you are unsure of something being a bug, make a ticket and ask us about it, instead of exploiting it.



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