Banned Plz help

Banned Plz help

by xyzzyrogue » Mon Aug 17, 2015 6:13 pm

Hi there is just started playing this, made some nice friends, and someone donated me a load of gold.......probably someone who knows me from retail.......where I have loads of 100 and lower toons on (can't say server) thing I know my account here has been Banned for Quote "Forbidden golds transaction"....(bad English).....No evidence provided or appeal procedure.
Also the login says "You are banned until August 16th 2015 15:13:26 PM" until ? English ?
So anyway..............looks like I've been banned for someone giving me gold......that's not against the T&C...............unless the person giving me it knew it would get me banned to get rid of me.
I have not bought gold and never have........and have been playing retail WoW since 2004.
In any case I would love to see the evidence against me.
My Ingame name is Badbadboy (taken from a Nazereth song from 1970) and I play Rogue.
Thank you.

Re: Banned Plz help

by Radius » Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:00 am

Greetings xyzzyrogue,

The account associated with character name "Badbadboy" has indeed been banned for conducting a forbidden gold transaction. The ban is permanent. We do not share information regarding how you were caught. We encourage you to register a new account and follow the Terms of Use next time.

GM Radius
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Re: Banned Plz help

by xyzzyrogue » Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:03 pm

Oh BTW its Rogue not Rouge.......You should know that.
Thank you for your reply.......I object to the word Caught......As I said someone gave/mailed me this Gold......I read the T@C's and there is no mention of Banning for being given/mailed gold in game. I didn't take any notice of who sent it because I thought....OK that's handy....I assumed they knew me, perhaps this person was a gold seller and gave it to the wrong person ???

Since you are so sure that I have committed a "Crime" in your eyes, why can I not get back my toon without the gold......and carry on enjoying the game......... It seems very strange that you say I can start another account and play again since "I have been caught and sentenced without appeal or evidence"......there is something very wrong here.

If you insist on deleting my toon (which as you know is still held locally on my PC).......why can I not start another toon on the account........why do I have to register another account ????? Something very strange here.

Best wishes Xyzzy (Rogue)

Re: Banned Plz help

by ravester » Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:37 pm

The mistake of "smart" people, is to think that everybody else is dumb. Btw

xyzzyrogue wrote:If you insist on deleting my toon (which as you know is still held locally on my PC).

no, the character and everything attached to him is not in your computer.
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Re: Banned Plz help

by Radius » Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:12 pm

My apologies for misspelling your name. I've since amended my post.

Your ban was verified by a senior staff member. When characters are caught violating our Terms of Use and banned, the entire account is banned. The data is stored on our server, not your computer, thus you must register a new account if you wish to continue playing.

This topic will now be locked.

GM Radius
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