Account Closed

Account Closed

by Jacksson » Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:15 am


My account seems to have been closed while I was asleep. I don't know why and there are no notifications but this is the second time this has happend in two days and the other time I managed to log on after about an hour, four hours have now gone by and I still can't log on. I just want to know if this is some kind of problem on my side or if there is something going on that I don't know about

Character: Jacksson (Alliance)
Server: Nostalrius Begins PvP

- Jacksson

Re: Account Closed

by Thedude » Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:34 pm

Again the same thing as with Redblade, tank for guild Descent 8/8 Bwl lair, good fellow following all the rules possible and a ban out of nowhere. I do understand that being a GM of a 12k population server is not easy , banning people randomly is just taking it too far

Re: Account Closed

by Jacksson » Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:14 am

Bump (page 7)

Re: Account Closed

by Thedude » Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:26 pm

Giving Jacksson a friendly bump as well, one fine dude and hopefully he gets unbanned before our raid times tonight 20 00 ...

Re: Account Closed

by Tokensb » Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:40 pm

I am positively sure that there cannot be anything he/they did intentionally that would warrant this ban but dropped into the false positive. On the other side, you banned two tanks from Descent which might seriously cripple our raid efforts this week or until they get unbanned. We raid Mon and Tue and this week we might have to call the raid off because we won't have enough tanks.

Re: Account Closed

by supergnome » Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:13 pm

Lets hope for quick reviews and decisions. (bump)

Re: Account Closed

by Jowerk » Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:25 am

A bump for justice, love and guild legendary ;) Just an awesome guy who's been caught in the crossfire. Hope you GM's will take a look at his case
Guildmaster of <Descent>

Re: Account Closed

by Cabotage » Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:29 am


Your account was banned for gold trafficking. If you'd like to appeal this ban, please provide information in this thread about what transactions you may have done recently that might have triggered the ban.

If you did in fact buy gold, it saves us all time if you mention that instead.

Regards, GM Team.
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Game Master
Game Master

Re: Account Closed

by Jacksson » Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:23 am

Hi there, yes I would like to appeal my ban. I have never bought gold or been involved in gold trafficing and I must say this is a pretty vague statement to get banned for. It would be a lot easier for the player to get a little more detail, anyways here we go.

I recently got the Eye of Sulfuras and I had to begin collecting the gold needed to buy the materials to finish the hammer. I have since then made what I think was two big trades with my brother, Johnsson. He had been lucky enough to win and sell a pattern and a flask recipie resulting in a lot of gold. We play together most of the time and we help eachother.

Well starting of from most recent transactions.

- The day before the bann I sold a lot of old tanking gear to a vendor that I had stored in my bank.
- Bought an Arcane Crystal of AH
- Bought 3 stacks of Savory Deviate of AH
- Traded 5 gold to a random lowbie in human starting area
- Traded 80g to Pipparen who then sent the gold back from his main Resili
- Bought Epic mount for myself
- Bought 4 Arcane Crystals of AH
- Johnsson traded me I believe it was 600g.
- Johnsson traded me 800g on the way to our BWL raid. This was some of the money from our sold flask recipie. As we share materials and gold we decided to focus all our gold earning on me getting my legendary.

I myself have made gold by selling materials I've mailed to my bank alt on the same account or selling them from Jacksson himself. But these where never really big ammounts and for common items like Righteous orb or Pristine Black Diamond. I can't remember selling anything off the AH in a long time so I leave that out.
During this time I have bought some herbs and other materials for my elixirs but I really can’t see how that would set off this ban.

Once again, Jacksson&Johnsson, we have played together since lvl 1. We share everything in this game and we help eachother reach the goals we want.

- Jacksson

Re: Account Closed

by Crafterpain » Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:04 pm


I can confirm what Jacksson is saying.

I'm farming and have been lucky with drops, which has given me the opportunity to trade him gold. I traded him the gold to buy ingots for sulfuras and also for consumables for raid, since he is tank and I'm healer. (I barely use consumables and he uses alot)
I have sold that I got from Scholomance together with two guildies. I sold this recipe for I believe 600g to a human mage, in a NA guild.
I have sold to a human priest for 260g.
Besides that I have been earning my gold in strat UD runs along with DM:E runs.

The amounts I have traded him is 600 and 800g, which he refers to in his reply above.
I look forward to your reply and the day that we can play together again.

*Edited for spellchecks


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