by Kailas » Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:02 am
8th Rule of Conduct from the Qiraji warlock guide you claimed you have read.
Loot: Do not loot anything valuable from corpses and never loot bosses after they are killed. Only the person who is set to do the looting of trash will do that. Same thing is with gold from bosses. We use that gold/mats/items for the guild bank to buy mats for Onyxia scale cloaks, flasks with discount for raiders and everything our guild bank needs, so none should inspect corpses for loot, only class leaders, officers, raid leader is allowed to stand near a boss corpse, loot will be linked in guild/raid chat.
Only when the raid leader or the person who is set to distribute the loot tells you to pick your item are you allowed to do it.
If you need an item for you main spec. you link the item you are currently wearing in that slot and if you are rolling for off spec or PvP you roll, though loot council can overrule rolls for rare items to insure such are given to those who deserve the most and really want it. If you think something isn't fair? Whisper the RL/officers and discuss in private. Warlocks will be given Tier items depending on activity/performance and tier set bonus priority.
8/8>3/8>0/8 - is the priority for warlock tier 2 set bonus
Not following these rules of conduct may result in a loot ban, raid ban/kick or even a guild kick.
You had plenty opportunities and time to pay me back on ED. I do not want your gold or need it.
You did reroll Mokes after you were reported as ninja on Lockroach. Many people never knew it was you and it took me a some time before I found out myself. Did not do anything about it after I did even though you pretended Mokes was another guy and that you did not have time to play therefore not being able to farm gold to pay me back. However when I saw you made a guild here I decided to share what I know to warn people about you.