<WAD> is recruiting. (CHI, ARG)

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<WAD> is recruiting. (CHI, ARG)

by Quilmes » Thu May 07, 2015 1:54 pm

Text In Spanish (which is a real language).

WAD, guild chilena muy conocida en la esquina de la casa del guild master, recluta chilenos y argentinos para hacer pvp y pve, fernet y piscola, boludeces y webadas.

Interesados wisp in game a Quilmes, que es un dios del sexo, del futbol y del pvp.
O Wisp a cualquier WAD conectado.

Argentinos de Córdoba son especialmente bienvenidos.
Chilenos de Ñuñoa son especialmente bienvenidos.
Argentinos de Mendoza favor abstenerse hasta que vivan en una ciudad con menos inflación.
Chilenos de Rancagua o Talca favor abstenerse hasta que vivan en una ciudad decente, y no esas weas feas en las que habitan.
Dios del sexo y del pvp

Re: <WAD> is recruiting. (CHI, ARG)

by matafuka » Tue May 12, 2015 2:15 am

WAD a chilean guild is looking for chileans, argentinians, hot italian gurls, hot rusian girls, hot swedish girl's, and to be honest any kind of hot gurl who wants to play in a multi cultural guild. We speak english, italian, german, Italowado, and we can greet you in other 5 to 10 language's. We also look for dudes, brah's, mate's, buddy's, etc. We are very multi cultural people, and we most certanly will outsmart you guys in any topic. So if you like the challenge, want to learn about our culture, any other culture and in the mean time, lvl up and kill some dickshiner alliance we are the place to be.

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