We make raids and ganksquads, and planning to have a BG static once we hit 60.
Of course we're running dungeons too and planning to do guild PvE raids later on, but only for purpose of gearing up for PvP, because that is the main focus here.
Everyone is welcome, any level: drama queens, fat trolls, people who always trying to joke about everything,
serious people, tryhards, people who spout le epik memesXDDD all the time, people who like lore, people who like WoD, adult people (one of us is 51), young people who haven't even played vanilla, anyone really.
Seriously, the one and only requirement is love for PvP and being always up for some pink ass kicking.
When we first started, we ran wpvp raids everyday but now I think we need a raid schedule.
Regular raid times were always about 9PM server time, but I am planning to appoint officers from US time
zone, so spontaneous raids could happen any time, anywhere.
<The Defilers> was born as a sister guild of <Frostwolf Clan> when guild member limit was introduced.
So we share a crossguild chat, and have crossguild raids.
So yeah, if you like PvP as much as I do - whisper Ekho ingame, or anyone from the guild.
This post will be updated with rules, raid times and guild ranking system explanation.
Some "rules":
- Keep guild chat in english
- Keep dank meems to minimum
- [Fish Oil] goes to shamans by mail for water walikng on raids
- Zero ranks get banished from the guild for one week of being offline
- Pvplog messages go to crossguild chat
- Member must warn the GM/Guild about not coming to planned raid before the raid starts
- Not warning GM/Guild and not coming to planned raid while being online and meeting
the level requirement for the raid, leveling or whatever, is ignoring the guild when it needs you - Must love cats