Which Class?

Discussion forum related to PVE Server.

Which Class?

by pldcanfly » Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:12 am

I recently started playing on here with a healer friend and wanted to ask a question.

First of all, I played WoW since it was in Beta. My main-toon was a dps-warrior ever since, and I played one on cWoW back in the day, but I figure that it's time for something different and to be honest, everybody wants to be the fury-warrior in vanilla :P. So rolling one of those is kind of a gamble.

So now to my question! I'm kind of torn between Hunter and Rogue. To my suprise guilds in my timezone (EU) even seem to recruit rogues, which got me by suprise really. I figure that I find fun in both classes and both have some potential to master them, but I also want to raid when I capped, and as with the warrior I don't really want to gamble. So my question is, which of the classes is needed more on alliance-side? Do I even have a chance to get a spot with those?

PS: I am willing to put a lot of work in to get them to a good level and master them.

Re: Which Class?

by Toolt » Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:46 pm

there are plenty of rouges here on allyside and u might have problems getting a raid spot. But skilled hunters who knows and can do a perfect rotation, are needed in many guilds.0
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