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Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:42 pm
by Stadics
Nihilum disagrees.

Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:53 pm
by Aquane
Viorus wrote:Don't forget horde is filled with angry teens with raging testosterone.

and alliance is filled with flower-picking pansies even according to blizzard, remember that blizzcon pic before MoP came out?

Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:03 pm
by ToshinouKyouko
joshbpepper wrote:
QuaRk wrote:More so than the racials, it probably comes down to people associating Alliance with PvE and Horde with PvP, so PvP-focused players roll Horde and PvE-focused players roll Alliance. This gives Alliance more top raiding guilds total, while Horde is more likely to have a stronger median pug or premade for PvP. The win/loss ratio (as posted by Viper) is surprisingly even, despite Horde having a very low degree of premading these days (due to queues) and what is likely a negative gear gap as a result of PvE, while premades are endemic on the Alliance side (compare the honor gain of the top 10 alliance players with the top 10 horde players on Furthermore, the first guild to clear BWL was a Horde guild (Dreamstate).

The racials are important, but I think the importance people attach to these racials (the psychological factor) is the bigger factor.

PS: WotF is overrated, especially when Alliance has already decided to roll less fear-based classes to play around it. Orcs' hardiness is the big badass.

Wtf. Theres still gonna be PvE guilds horde side.

Especially on a PvE server, where everyone who makes a character is likely to be focused on PvE no matter what faction they pick.

Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:07 pm
by Praxxia
People underestimate how amazing chain heal is and completely forget about Tranquil Air totem. I think Kings and JoW are the biggest difference.

Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:26 pm
by Amonrael
My advice: roll what YOU like the best. Forget about numbers and statistics. It's a game what is meant to be enjoyed. If you roll a toon that you don't like, most likely you won't reach 60. Anyway, this faction race only matters when you are in one of the best guilds on server, racing for realm-first kills.
To sum up: enjoy the game! ;)

Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:06 pm
by deathjester696
sempiternus wrote:I'm asking because i wanted to play a sword combat rogue, cause i find the playstyle more fun than daggers, but from what people are saying, alliance is way better for pve because of paladins buffs (+10% stats) and threat reduction.

I wanted to play an undead rogue and an orc warlock, but i might have to play daggers with the undead, not having the benefit of the human racial with swords, and warlock threat is a pain on the horde side.

But there is also pvp, where WOTF is a huge advantage when you're playing a rogue : i don't wanna make an alliance warlock because of that, plus dealing with the orcs stun resistance as a human rogue (and the inability to escape fear as a human compared to an undead) sounds painful.

Is the choice of the faction such a huge problem pvp and pve wise?

thank you

Holy paladins are the easiest healers to play. Their buffs are the best in the game. So yes.

Salvation, mana efficiency, and spamming one button to heal (A German Shepherd could heal on a holy paladin) are what make alliance better. Add to that while leveling a paladin can tank extremely well in 5 mans, so the faction pretty much has a extra tank until raiding.

PvP? " i don't wanna make an alliance warlock because of that, plus dealing with the orcs stun resistance as a human rogue".

The one class/spec that is at a severe disadvantage in pvp on Alliance is a healing priest. A Warlock can just fear again. A rogue? You are looking at it like the pvp server with a ton of one vs ones. Yup fear sucks, but the only really good healer on horde is priest. After their fear you can kill them. Enhance shamans you eat alive as a rogue. Good luck trying to kill a holy paladin quickly once they are geared, or a reckoning paladin.

Also perception = you eat horde rogues alive. Rogue and lock on alliance are fine. This is not the PvP realm where you are going to be attacked by an undead rogue every 15 minutes while leveling on a lock in an unfair 1 v1 lol. In a BG? You can see them stealth. You can pop perception and dot them. Escape artist is nice with deathcoil (get range). If they pop WOTF? Wait 4 secs and fear them again. A rogue out of stealth and dotted is not lasting long against warriors or reck pallys or hunters. BG's are not "1v1".

Now if you are a really good healing priest and big into pvp? Yeah I would go Horde all day long. Purge and WOTF is a huge pain in the arse for that class.

Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:18 pm
by Moozer
Praxxia wrote:People underestimate how amazing chain heal is and completely forget about Tranquil Air totem. I think Kings and JoW are the biggest difference.

Nobody forgot about Tranquil Air, it's just much more of a pain because;

1. Shares slot with Windfury.
2. Group based only, and if for some reason you need to get rid of it, you need to summon another totem. Salvation can be turned off.

Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:26 pm
by LAMBDA471
My biggest dilemma right now if whether I should go for a goofy or cool looking character...

Re: Is alliance really that much better for pve?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:57 pm
by deathjester696
Moozer wrote:
Praxxia wrote:People underestimate how amazing chain heal is and completely forget about Tranquil Air totem. I think Kings and JoW are the biggest difference.

Nobody forgot about Tranquil Air, it's just much more of a pain because;

1. Shares slot with Windfury.
2. Group based only, and if for some reason you need to get rid of it, you need to summon another totem. Salvation can be turned off.

^ Bingo. Yup horde melee do more dmg in raiding (windfury), but salvation is a lot easier to manage, does not come at the cost of windfury and Alliance casters also do more damage with pallys. So the dmg is a push with alliance having a easier time healing with paladins, and easier threat.

As far as Nihilum? They probably just rolled Horde as an extra challenge. Horde was not as good as Alliance for raiding until WOTLK. TBC hit from Dranei was the best raiding racial in the history of the game, and troll berserking got a major buff in WOTLK. WOTLK is when you could make the case Horde was better. Arena in TBC was also comp based. In some comps human perception was simply I win.

PvP in vanilla? Whoever has the most healers and can cross dispel. The racials do not mean much in group pvp. Ele shamans (resto just sucks compared to a holy paladin) are good in much later gear as support/healers when dropping windfury, but the pvp set sucks for elemental. 2 pallys healing and cross cleansing is a nightmare to deal with in vanilla. Your wins and losses on alliance BG's have almost everything to do with how many holy paladins you have in your group. People complained about enhance, and enhance is good before people get good gear, but in gear? Enhance is garbage. Roll a warrior and have a shaman drop windfury. Enhance is only really OP from 1-60 and when a server first opens.