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Which Twink to lvl up for PvP? (Feral vs Shaman)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:19 am
by Camileon
Hi guys,

i am facing a bit of a challenged. Maybe you can help me to decide what class i pick for my first twink. Your advice would be really appreciated. Some background information that´s quite important:

- I´m currently playing a horde mage on the PvE Server
- Access to a very solid raiding guild and them Twink Raids =)
- Used to play an elemental shaman for PvP back on retail vanilla till TBC dropped
- Played Feral-Tank in TBC
- Going to rank that char up to at least R11 + Extalted at PvP Factions
- Maybe going to go serious on raiding after that (feral or ench/restro then)
- The Character will be able to have Engi and a profession of your(my) choice

I am looking for the most fun to play of these two classes.

Druids seem to be in very very high demand on BG´s aswell as in raids. It will surely be the fastest to Equipt and lead/find a premade for WSG. The shaman on the other hand has that sw33t vanilla WF procs and AV is going to be released in a couple of weeks on the PvE realm. With TUF you can pretty much 1 shot casters and huntards on BGs, which feels like winning the lottery every 5 mins =)

A notable aspect is also, that the alliance lacks damagedealers like Mages and Rogues in BGs. Enhancement Shaman is really weak against warriors with their pocket healers. Druids are obviously the better flag carriers, but a r13 druid is not going to have a big impact in actual fights compared to a r14 shaman.

These twinks are both meant to be fun PvP Twinks with Engineering. Theres the potential to sink in alot of gold for these characters, cause my main is a mage and the g/h is real :)

To break this down for those lazy readers:

If you could log in today into ether a r11-13 Feral or Shaman for PvPing. Which one would you choose?

So which class would YOU pick? And for what reason?



Re: Which Twink to lvl up for PvP? (Feral vs Shaman)

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:30 pm
by Uzephi
If you are leveling in PVE server, your que time for each bracket under 60 will be insanely long. I tried queuing for 29 bracket and after 4hrs gave up and kept leveling.

If I was to choose which class, I would go feral just because of the versatility at lower levels. But if end game PVP is what you are aiming for, go Shaman.