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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 3:39 pm
by Xuicehades
Warriors that are trying to get Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying do not group with Jbboomsky. He stole it from me. We were in a group in Dire Maul E on our 3rd run and it dropped and he was the first person to roll need on it and i was very confused at first then i rolled need on it and the rest of the group rolled need on it and said they were trying to win it for me. When he won i asked him why he had rolled on it and he said he needed the money. I was trying to tell him i am the only warrior in the group and i am the only one that can use it so there is no reason he should have rolled for it. I was trying to reason with him as to why i should have it more and more and then he changed his mind and said he was saving it for a guild member of <Butterfly Effect>. I told him that if someone wanted it that they should farm it themselves not have a guild member ninja it for them and then give it to them. I mean this is vanilla people at times struggle with getting money i know i do. But that doesnt mean you should ninja loot from another person especially when it is as rare as Foror's but even any book that a person can use for a class. I then tried for the next hour to try and change his mind but he kept saying it was for a guild member. Then he decided to tell/brag to me that he sold it to a guild member for 900g. And then he tried giving me 100g for compensation for him winning and selling the book. I refused to take the money because i didn't want to get bought out or cheated out of something that i need. I continued to try and get him to get it back from the guild member he sold it to and he did not budge and ended up ignoring me. So if anyone is trying to get a group and you see Jbboomsky DO NOT GROUP WITH HIM he will only ninja anything of worth and sell it. Below is proof of what happend.