- get bags as soon as you can. They drop off mobs and you can buy them for some silver off merchants in towns. You will always be out of bag space and thus lose money from not being able to loot.
- You can click on guards in towns to find out where things are in the city like the bank etc.
- Gathering professions can make good money, but it may not be worth leveling because all the nodes
will most likely be overly farmed, and you'll spend alot of time keeping your skill up that delays your leveling. Whereas you could hit 60 faster and make gold with other methods.
- SAVE ALL YOUR GOLD PRE-40. Only buy what you need because its good to have enough for your mount you get at that level instead of waiting. There's also an epic mount at 60 you can get thats way faster. you'll definitely want it
- Google good addons like questie that will really help.
- watch youtube tutorial videos
- sites like this can help you look up items you might want.
http://db.vanillagaming.org/- gear is everything. No matter how good of a player you are, you wont beat someone in full epics if you have full greens. So always try to get the best gear at 60. Pre-60 not so important because it takes away from leveling and gold, but can still be worth it.
- If you play a caster, get a lesser wand at 5, and greater wand at 15 from low level enchanters. amazing dps and way better than using spells.
- Make a "mule", which is a character that just sits in town that you send all your stuff to in order to sell on the auction house. Otherwise your bags will be full all the time.
Although I just saw that you said you played for a while so maybe you already knew this.