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Re: AQ War effort

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:40 pm
by FiveWeeksOneMinute
Noxx wrote:Fuk dat just open AQ40 the gathering part is booring as hell when there are no other servers to fight with.

that was the fun part in Vanilla to se what servers open it first.
actually the weeks/months when players are farming and questing in Silithus results in some of the most fun world PvP and guild vs guild combat that will ever happen during the Vanilla content timeline
Ohhgee wrote:ED war effort was nothing more than a troll; a carrot on a stick designed to keep people playing as long as possible. ED had been without a development team for over a year when the War Effort began.

We saw just how false everything Feenix told the players was when Nostalrius/Kronos released and their server started to actually die, and they quickly ended the war effort and release Warsong garbage version of AQ (after advertising a fully scripted ED version being in the works for nearly 2 years
hmm I have never heard this theory, but it makes a bit of sense, might I ask where you got this information?

Re: AQ War effort

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:29 am
by Docholy
Fotm wrote:
Docholy wrote:Are you so encapsulated into the blizz like feeling that you would go against blizz numbers to insure its blizz like?


God you know you're old when you have to go to /r/outoftheloop to understand what is being said!

Re: AQ War effort

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:56 am
by Plask
FiveWeeksOneMinute wrote:
Noxx wrote:Fuk dat just open AQ40 the gathering part is booring as hell when there are no other servers to fight with.

that was the fun part in Vanilla to se what servers open it first.
actually the weeks/months when players are farming and questing in Silithus results in some of the most fun world PvP and guild vs guild combat that will ever happen during the Vanilla content timeline
Ohhgee wrote:ED war effort was nothing more than a troll; a carrot on a stick designed to keep people playing as long as possible. ED had been without a development team for over a year when the War Effort began.

We saw just how false everything Feenix told the players was when Nostalrius/Kronos released and their server started to actually die, and they quickly ended the war effort and release Warsong garbage version of AQ (after advertising a fully scripted ED version being in the works for nearly 2 years
hmm I have never heard this theory, but it makes a bit of sense, might I ask where you got this information?
I was testing aq with my guild about a year before it released. It was identical to release. Also everyone that player a long time on ED knew. The server was stale for a very long time without anything happening.

Re: AQ War effort

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:41 am
by DeeMarie
Plask wrote:I was testing aq with my guild about a year before it released. It was identical to release. Also everyone that player a long time on ED knew. The server was stale for a very long time without anything happening.

Let's be honest, ED was a great server only because of the community, and a certain Admin pretty much killed it.

Something I noticed when Nos accidentally released the War Effort on the PvE server, stuff was accumulating pretty quickly. If Nostalrius PvP keeps its playerbase over a certain other TBC server that may or may not release during the War Effort, well it's going to depend on how much gating the staff here want to do. Otherwise it'll be over pretty fast.