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Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:37 pm
by JimPaladin
Possible thread for people to talk about the Elysium debacle without the mass spam of the Discord server. Let's see if anyone will use this thread, shall we?

Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:14 am
by DKPminus
Sucks for everyone really. Looks like Elysium posted a message on the homepage though.

Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:04 am
by JimPaladin
So what is the current standing on both servers? Apparently Elysium is going to continue as normal, but is that with or without Shenna and the others involved with the current debacle?

Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:51 pm
by Norjak
Light's Hope had over 9000 players online earlier. I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that when Elysium gets their month-old backup copy of the servers back online, there will be very few people playing there - maybe the ones who got recently un-banned for buying gold that was generated by an admin in the first place. That is truly sickening to think about. Only in Russia?

Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 7:30 pm
by smilingbob
I think both sides have their talking points, but bottom line is Elysium betrayed the trust of the community by selling gold and characters. One of them (at least) was even using donated funds for personal use. Was it right to take all of Elysium and restart it somewhere else? Maybe.

But I'm not sure how Elysium ever comes back after these revelations. Family enjoyed our (casual) time there but we'll be moving on. Peace to all you Nost refugees who still come here occasionally. Sure wish Nost would start it all up again but obviously that is a pipe dream.

Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 7:47 pm
by Keftenk
Here's to remembering "the dream" before Russians took hold of it. I'd work on QA again for a Nost 1.0 ideology project.


Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:35 am
by gangstabitch
Keftenk wrote:Fuck you, Daemon and Viper.

Did you fellas have any problems taking in Shenna's dick for several months? :D

Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:49 am
by Khasar44
It would seem that two of Elysium's admins made some errors in judgement. Whether they had reasons that could be rationalized or simply acted out of greed is anyone's guess. However, I don't perceive that either of their activities justified stealing the data and razing the servers. Another thing mentioned was a possibility of the selling of user data. No factual evidence was presented, just suspicions placed at the end of actual accusations which were used to justify the act. The act itself was pointless as the servers can be rebuilt using a backup which is, apparently, what is being done. I don't believe I would trust anyone who would willfully steal a database and destroy servers based upon suspicions. At any rate, the ultimate effect is to deal a body blow to legacy gaming.

I have read how Blizzard resorted to lawyers to shut Nostalrius down, then paid lip service to damage control the bad press from the uproar that followed. They aren't interested in legacy servers and never will be. It wouldn't surprise me if they had a hand in this destruction of the Elysium Project and made opportune use of the questionable activities of two sysadmins as justification to turn the rest of the community against legacy gaming. I've seen elsewhere remarks that suggest the community is being conditioned by propaganda to regard legacy gaming as piracy. I suppose from the point of view of Blizzard's lawyers, that's exactly what it is. I know for a fact that they have some-one/entity putting spyware out on the inet to identify IP addresses of people who download legacy clients which is followed by a 'your client has violated our client's copyright' letter to the inet providers which result in a nastygram to that inet client threatening termination of service. It is my perception that Blizzard is playing hardball. A combination of demonizing as well as threatening legacy players. Blizzard ruined the game as much by destroying content as by attracting a new clientele whom I find to be arrogant, nasty and immature. I am done with Blizzard. Even if they relent and re-create legacy servers, I will never do business with them again.

Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:51 pm
by Keftenk
Why do you think so many of us left the team?
In hindsight it was a mistake handing them the core in the first place.

Re: Wacky Elysium Died Chat

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:57 am
by azamous
Keftenk wrote:Why do you think so many of us left the team?
In hindsight it was a mistake handing them the core in the first place.

Everyone seemed to know this at the time except Nostalrius themselves.